Are you religious and against gays ?

Ok. So god have us free will. But, he commands us to do things? That's not free will. That's called being a muppet.

Time to remove the hand from your ass, cut the strings. And change the book you read to many books.

The fear of god only tells me that you've successfully been brainwashed into thinking that if you've been a bad little boy or girl. You'll be sent to the eternal timeout corner by the invisible boss man in the sky.
Whatever man, I kill bodies possessed by souls on a regular day to day basis. I do not ask for forgiveness by God but rather understand the meaningless of God in the day to day life. God controls you and tells you that you have free will. That's how it works. By that logic God remains in control and you have a body to take care of and maintain. Should god walk over to you and take your body away (who is also God), God will ask why are you doing this? because you would ask why as well, simultaneously the body taking your life does not think this and God is saying good job. God controls your ignorance, you'll see upon death when God ceases to exist. I do not have faith in an afterlife but have faith in wellbeing and kindness and that anyone willing to listen to the variety of Gods offerings of consciousness will learn what God is. I also have faith that the opposition you are offering me is that from God. God is God so some get free will and others do not. Do not preach the bible to me. Be crcreative and tell the world what God is doing now. God is doing everything
A muppet controlled by the actual God is a real body. That's like a CPU controlling a motor. If the motor controls another CPU it is merely a chain of events
No need for apologies. I just don't buy into godbothering mumbo jumbo. I stopped believing by the time I was 7.
I'm not 100% on other religions but raised as an Irish Roman Catholic, we were taught to respect anyone's religious/sexual/etc beliefs, that we were all made in gods image & that's how he intended us to be.
I remember someone explain religion as "it doesn't matter what you call God, just that you speak to him in your own way"

Looking back, the guys that told us that were fiddling away at kids like they were violins, whilst damning the gays to an eternity in hell & a man or woman that remarried were living in sin as they were sitting in their homes counting the money given to them by the parish.
Best of it is, anytime the parish realised one was a sexual predator, they paid them off with ridiculous amounts of cash from the parish.

Ironic huh?
As far as I'm concerned. Religion is the mountain holding us back. What good comes from choosing a god to follow?

Its simply another means to divide and instill fear. To have us under the thumb of greedy, lying, high and mighty conmen.

Religion teaches you to love thy neighbour in one sentence. Then says to stone the gays in the next. That so called good book has more sodomy, rape, murder and other crimes against humanity than a book on sociopaths and psychos.
As far as I'm concerned. Religion is the mountain holding us back. What good comes from choosing a god to follow?

Its simply another means to divide and instill fear. To have us under the thumb of greedy, lying, high and mighty conmen.

Religion teaches you to love thy neighbour in one sentence. Then says to stone the gays in the next. That so called good book has more sodomy, rape, murder and other crimes against humanity than a book on sociopaths and psychos.

That's the difference between the old & new test.
The new will teach love & peace.
The old was more, an eye for an eye. Literally in those words.