Are You Smoking Petroleum Products?


Active Member

What is Eurea made from?

urea is produced from synthetic ammonia and carbon dioxide. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced during the manufacture of ammonia from coal or from hydrocarbons such as natural gas and petroleum-derived raw materials. Such point sources of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] facilitate direct synthesis of urea.


The reason people grow is production which means they are trying to maximize the profit NOT YOUR HEALTH. Fast production can not produce the same quality. For your health demand dirt do not let them take short cuts.

Once you have had real dirt there is no comparison. Your the consumer DEMAND REAL DIRT not nutrients from a bottle!! After all that is the way mother nature intended.
seeing as how i tricked you all! HA urea is in fact a natual by product of protien synthesis in teh human body!!! See how easy you silly people can be foold by such a smart man as this Me. You body has many ways t rid its self of urea and its cousin uric acid. YOu leak urea and uric acid form your pee holes, its the main ingradient of your urine(which is why its called URine)

Its alos the easiest way for a plant to uptake nitrogen, as ia already has teh natural devices to break it down arlready in places.
You peopl eare so silly to just HEAR the buzz words "petroleum product" and thik its the worst things ever. you can derives gold from sea water, and from molten lava...does that make the godl any different?? No gold is gold, and Urea is Urea.... about as organic as it gets since its naturaly found inside teh bodies parts,
seeing as how i tricked you all! HA urea is in fact a natual by product of protien synthesis in teh human body!!! See how easy you silly people can be foold by such a smart man as this Me. You body has many ways t rid its self of urea and its cousin uric acid. YOu leak urea and uric acid form your pee holes, its the main ingradient of your urine(which is why its called URine)

Its alos the easiest way for a plant to uptake nitrogen, as ia already has teh natural devices to break it down arlready in places.
You peopl eare so silly to just HEAR the buzz words "petroleum product" and thik its the worst things ever. you can derives gold from sea water, and from molten lava...does that make the godl any different?? No gold is gold, and Urea is Urea.... about as organic as it gets since its naturaly found inside teh bodies parts,

You people? I see one person other than yourself who responded to this waste of a thread..
Of course urea is in urnine, any 9th grader whose had bio 1 can tell you this..
Troll thread is troll thread..

What is Eurea made from?

urea is produced from synthetic ammonia and carbon dioxide. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced during the manufacture of ammonia from coal or from hydrocarbons such as natural gas and petroleum-derived raw materials. Such point sources of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] facilitate direct synthesis of urea.


The reason people grow is production which means they are trying to maximize the profit NOT YOUR HEALTH. Fast production can not produce the same quality. For your health demand dirt do not let them take short cuts.

Once you have had real dirt there is no comparison. Your the consumer DEMAND REAL DIRT not nutrients from a bottle!! After all that is the way mother nature intended.
WOW really! You related to UB by chance?
It is funny tho that the only moron more stupid than the OP is in charge of producing medical marijuana for his brothers state licenced dispensary. What a fucking joke.