areo 26 site simple and under $90


New Member
Anyone want to know just post and i will list the things to buy. So simple with just a few basic tools to put together. Tools: drill, hole bit or grinder bit, hack saw, PVC cement, and box knife. The supplies list will follow if you ask....


New Member
You won't need a pic. can explain it so easy. they sell this crap for over 500 bucks so wanted to give back to the people unlike our government. LOL let me know if you want the list of supplies. You should know a bit about glueing pvc but it is so simple a 9 year old could do it. Hardest part is drilling, cutting, and or grinding the net pot holes.
Can were get some photos too? Any 26 site aero under $100 is a steal!


Well-Known Member
hey what type of aero system is it the one with the pvc fencepost or is it one of those totes either way if u could post that parts list that would be wonderful thanks ...widow:blsmoke:


New Member
i think yours is alot like mine so i gave everyone a couple visuals to go off of.. dunno :roll: hope this helps


Active Member
What do you usually yield in a tub like that one HOHO. I'm thinking you could get a pretty good size yield if you had say 4 or so of them. I really like your design.


New Member
What do you usually yield in a tub like that one HOHO. I'm thinking you could get a pretty good size yield if you had say 4 or so of them. I really like your design.
i do have 4 only using 2 right now but the others will be put in to use in a couple days..i copied it off the aquamist and they get 2 pounds per unit.
this is my first time using these so i don't expect that much but u can follow along if u like and even guess..never know:) all are welcome!!