Arizona Growers Thread


New Member
Hay guys got a plant problem I started a thread
Its my NL looking super sick if you guys could help me out would be great.
Looks like you have a lighting issue... going from CFLs to outdoors?

First for the first week of being outside I would put her in the shade NOT the direct sunlight... If you are running weak CFLs and put your plants out side the leafs are not developed to absorb soooo much energy... They will curl up and the plant will die if you dont give it less light..

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Overwatering for sure. Looks to me that your medium doesn't drain too well but I can't be 100% sure without seeing the mix myself.

On another note, I am trying to upload those videos today. I have the one for cloning and another of a partial LST. For those of you who wanted to see how I do it. Happy growing and hope everyone had a great Halloween!


Well-Known Member
Overwatering for sure. Looks to me that your medium doesn't drain too well but I can't be 100% sure without seeing the mix myself.

On another note, I am trying to upload those videos today. I have the one for cloning and another of a partial LST. For those of you who wanted to see how I do it. Happy growing and hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Thats what I think, next time you should add more perlite to help drain easy.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering for sure. Looks to me that your medium doesn't drain too well but I can't be 100% sure without seeing the mix myself.

On another note, I am trying to upload those videos today. I have the one for cloning and another of a partial LST. For those of you who wanted to see how I do it. Happy growing and hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Can't wait! I just started my seeds a couple hours ago and want to see this before I start begging, so perfect timing!


Well-Known Member
Just gave my girls a spoon full of room temp RO water. Temp is 80.5 and the humidity is 30, zipped up the tent and now my journey begins! Hope all goes well with them. Going to Tucson to visit 93 hybrid tomorrow so hopefully when I get back I will have a surprise :)


Well-Known Member
dog an me 061.jpgghetto as hell i know, but my other grow system is finishing up another grow else where. im going to order a new 1000 watt system for these and when my other garden is done i'll bring that back and have 2000 watts and a bunch of other stuff at my disposal....hahaha my plans are coming together hahahaha... lol


Well-Known Member
Im legal now guys I just got my med license YEAH!!!! SUPER EXCITED! I got killing fields strain the purple kind anyone want to trade clones when I get my room dialed in let me know.