Arizona Growers Thread

I was wondering what the benifits to being a care taker are since the law states that you can only be compansated for costs and not make a profit? also why are people choosing to set the up as co-ops?
The compassion work on what they think is a loophole. They are legally not allowed to "sell" the weed so they dispense if for free with the stipulation that you "donate" and they "donate" their middle class stuff at street value.

I am not a fan, my patient went to one while I was growing for him but I was appalled at what they are charging.
The compassion work on what they think is a loophole. They are legally not allowed to "sell" the weed so they dispense if for free with the stipulation that you "donate" and they "donate" their middle class stuff at street value.

I am not a fan, my patient went to one while I was growing for him but I was appalled at what they are charging.

I get the same medicine the club gets at almost half the price. THE SAME EXACT medicine. It was ridiculous when they tried to tell my sister she owed them $70 an 8th. Anyways I am no fan at all either. They are a huge rip off and I am positive that the medicine my patients receive is not only better looking but better tasting as well. Screw synthetics... IMO
I was wondering what the benifits to being a care taker are since the law states that you can only be compansated for costs and not make a profit? also why are people choosing to set the up as co-ops?

If you set it up right with being a caregiver you basically get your system paid for. So you aren't making money off distributing your medicine you just get to save alot of money from having to go out and buy all that stuff yourself. There is a pro and con into everything. If you really want to know the INS and OUTS just google prop 203 and read from front to back like me and my lawyer did.
How do I find one of these care groups that are cheap so I can get supplied while waiting for my system to get going? Getting it off the street is a little sketchy.
How do I find one of these care groups that are cheap so I can get supplied while waiting for my system to get going? Getting it off the street is a little sketchy.

Word of mouth...any compassion club or any type of shop is going to tax you. So expect to donate $60 an 8th or more. If you want to link up with other patients just start PM people. I only mess around with people that have a green card.
Whats up Az growers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tucson Newbie grower here..... Im a newbie but this will be my l;ifes path, i want to be a grower. Im retired so i have LOTS of time and LOVE to tinker and growing is perfect for me.....I love it.

Anyways, those clubs are BS....they pray on those that cant find meds else where. 70 and 1/8 th is crazy.
Anyone want to trade some clones in a few weeks? Gonna have Pineapple Kush and Pitbull. possibly blue dream.

My card will be here monday^^ im finally legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

Have great day AZ
Card in hand DR120 and LED + 400 CMH ready for green card holders to step up with clone / end product trades. I have some Blue Widow that is just up and some Mazar that broke the ground this morning. Growing some auto Russian Rocket Fuels at the moment and I will be pollinating one of the RRF girls when the time is right. I have space to veg now and will return the kind gesture when things are rolling. Far west valley.
I am currently not in a position to trade, but definitely will be in the near future. I have some good strains and am working on getting my 2 week cycle going.
Trading of clones and the like is not allowed on RIU. We should contact only via PM's and not openly on the thread. Hm I wonder if it is okay to post a this is what I have thread, then via PM we inquire.
Has anybody show up to your house in an un marked car and no uniform and a dog talking about a search warrent after you got your green card?
lol no, I'd tell them to fuck off.

Not to mention while I'm 100% legal in my state it is just as stealth as an illegal op :P
Well my roomate said they had no id or uniforms and a dog. Im starting to think it was someone looking to do a forced entry. Or does the state check up on u to make sure your only growing so much?
Also, they can't get a warrant just on the premise of checking to make sure you have the correct number of plants.
That is correct - the Law actually states that the government does not have the right to inspect - just to inspect. (very protective Law - we learned a lot from 1996)

Secondly, there has been some negative press in Gilbert over the two raids which made the local police look like bumbling fucktards - so I doubt many judges are willing to sign search warrants until a search of the AZDHS MMJ database has been checked - and if you are legal to grow - they cannot inspect.

We need to embrace Law Enforcement, as our assets because for the first time in most of our lives - we now have the Law on our side. It is hard for us to trust them and just as hard for them to trust us after this 30 year war, but in the end that will be paramount.
I highly recommend reading the AZ law. Oh, and you should also check out your civil rights. A dog and no ID coming to your door? I would have let my dog answer the door and called the cops...
so if a person wanted to set up a co-op to recover costs of system how would you go about figuring that out? i know you couldnt recover 100% of the cost of your system in the first harvest. also could legal fees be a cost?
Also if you hire out someone to do your caregiver grow you can add those fee's to the cost of the medication, according to the lawyer I talked to.