Active Member
this is a fact.They must have the patient card number for a check.
this is a fact.They must have the patient card number for a check.
Hypothetically can a school district see if a teacher has a MMJ card when doing the background check for hiring them? And if they can, then what can they do? Just saying, I may know someone in this situation.
i've been doing some more searching and i'm thinking maybe these little fuckers aren't thrips. the pics of thrips don't match up.
they are small, light green as adults and white as grubs. they hop really far and fast and they suck on leaves. they leave little silver spots on the leaves where they have fed. or shit. lol
Could be springtails. They come in a variety of colors; most types are harmless, but some are pretty tenacious plant pests.
these things have wings. or at least things that look like wings.
i saw a couple larvae the day after i sprayed, usually only one per leaf and always on top of the leaf. i don't know if they were dead but i squished them just to be sure.
i haven't seen any adults for days. i'm watching for any larvae.
the adults have this profile
http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/entomology/sap.html See the Cotton Aphid Adult picture. that upswept look.
it's not aphids though, nothing else matches up.
they leave a little silver like spot where they feed. this is one of the descriptions for thrip damage.
Sounds like thrips or maybe even white flies. Did you try spinosad?
I know what you mean.....White Fire day 25 in super soil ( birds cuts)
View attachment 2474164View attachment 2474165
these things have wings. or at least things that look like wings.
i saw a couple larvae the day after i sprayed, usually only one per leaf and always on top of the leaf. i don't know if they were dead but i squished them just to be sure.
i haven't seen any adults for days. i'm watching for any larvae.
the adults have this profile
http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/entomology/sap.html See the Cotton Aphid Adult picture. that upswept look.
it's not aphids though, nothing else matches up.
they leave a little silver like spot where they feed. this is one of the descriptions for thrip damage.
Sounds like thrips or maybe even white flies. Did you try spinosad?
yeah I was guessing white flies too.
could be leafhopper? http://www.pestproducts.com/images/Aster-Leafhopper.jpg
Also if you mulch your top soil it will help keep pest away. Composted bark mulch works and even sand. Mulch has many other benefits too.
hey head treep i highly recommend trying out living alaskan humis, i have been doing a heavy top dress at around week 3-4. with the first watering on that stuff the humis turns to a mud soup and soaks right in. you wont regret giviung it a try
hey head treep i highly recommend trying out living alaskan humis, i have been doing a heavy top dress at around week 3-4. with the first watering on that stuff the humis turns to a mud soup and soaks right in. you wont regret giviung it a try
Azamax is just one part of neem. Get the full spectrum if possible.