Arjans Haze #2, first CFL Grow


Active Member
Hey all, long time lurker first time poster here. So after much research I've finally decided its time to grow my own stuff. Not sure if I will turn this into a full blown grow journal yet, but Im quite excited and just wanted to share my experience so far.

So, I have 3 feminised Arjans Haze seedlings, who broke the soil 11 days ago (09 October). Im growing these little ones under a 200W Ecolight CFL thingie, and they seem to love it. Weirdly enough though, 1 is big, 1 is medium sized and the last little one is the baby of the three. Im hanging the light vertically at the moment (read someplace that more efficient, not too sure though...) and there is a bit of bending goin on, but im rotating the girls daily to try to balance it out.

Anyway, Im praying this experience will be a success and I will be posting here whether its good or bad. I hope you knowledgable ladies and gentlemen will point out any blunders you see in the pics. :)


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Looks good man. Hope you have enough lighting for them to get through flowering. I am also looking into growing the same strain so keep this updated and I'll be following you. I have read a little bit on the other types of Arjan, and a lot of them sound difficult. As far as I know though #2 is one of the simpler ones. Hope I am right. If it comes out good though, I have only gotten positives about the taste/high. Get excited bro because this is that good shit haha.

Good luck with the grow


Active Member
Hey guys, you're very welcome to drop by and see how this little grow is coming along :). My little babies seem to be thriving now. They're getting bigger by the day Im sure. Hopefully the light will do the trick but we're got a great new growshop in my town, so i might pick up some more if they need it come flower time.

Will post some more pics this evening. Cooking up some pea soup now, so cant leave the stove.


Active Member
Mmmm, Pea Soup was spectacular. Well, as promised here are some pics I just took of the girls. You can see some nice secondary growth on all 3 of the babies. The biggest of the three is really taking off now, nearly 5 inches tall and she only poked her head out of the soil 13 days ago. Is this normal? Or is it slow? It seems fast to me but then Im a mega noob at this.

Also I fed the guys with the teeniest pinch of all purpose plant food. I mean only a taste really. I really hoped they like it. Lemme know what u think of the pics guys.

BTW, when can I put these guys into flowering? I dont want big plants, just to seee if I can actually grow my own stash. What u think? Any advice is most welcome.

Oh yeah, I managed to get my hands on a copy of Buds for Less. Great book with some awesome pics. Gonna try his technique for my grow. Any opinions?


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I am by no means an expert, but with this strain I usually see people vegging for 3 weeks. I believe the flowering period is about 10-11 weeks so this should be about a 3 1/2 month grow. That book will probably teach you a lot.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to grow one in veg to make clones :-). If you love the arjan's then you dont want to mess up by having to try and revert back to veg after harvest. Also, how big are those pots? they look too small.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it. I will let them veg for a while longer I think. Maybe another fortnight would do it?

Im a bit worried about the pot size as well. Im thinking I might have to transplant them sooner rather than later. I really wish I had got bigger pots originally, but I just wasnt thinking when I was in the garden centre. :(

The girls are 2 weeks old today by the way! I know its sad, but I have already sang Happy Birthday to them. I have named the big one "Harney" after our massive Minister for Health here in Ireland :)


Active Member
The girls are 2 weeks old today by the way! I know its sad, but I have already sang Happy Birthday to them. I have named the big one "Harney" after our massive Minister for Health here in Ireland :)
Haha, well played, poor old Mary ;) Best of luck with the grow man, the more doing it in this land of ours the better.


Active Member
Just a little update now, been flowering for 6 days. The ladies are really taking off now. Comments/Critiscism welcome!


Active Member
Did you get the daylight cfl (6700k) in Ireland or online? Having a hard time getting them in the shops in my area, plenty of soft light ones for flowering however.


Active Member
Did you finish the grow? I have ordered some of these seeds also and am looking for results from other growers on how the smoke is....
Hey, yeah i actally finished all 3 plants. Harvested them over the past 3 weeks. The smoke is amazin i must say, am really proud of myself on my first grow! :) I reckon i got about 1/2 Oz from each plant. I know i can better next time.

The smoke is so nice after only a shortish dryin period. Its really fruity smelling. This plant has been a real pleasure to grow and smoke. Will post pics later if i can find my camera mate. I say go for it and grow this stuf if you want really good smoke but dont mind a bit of a wait.