Arjans Haze #3 Indoor CFL/HPS Hydro


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2 feminized Arjans Haze #3 plants 2 weeks into veg 24/7 lights (4x 26 watt 6500k CFLs) Fresh air vents 3x a day 30 mins at a time full strength general hydro nutes 3x daily via drip irigation, LST and slight scrog adaptations as far as training goes. from seed till now check my jurn in my sig.:leaf:

Day 17: just re uped the nutes a tad stronger this time around hopefully they will take well, pruned some of the lower growth on the right plant ill take photos tomorrow.


Day 24: i have FIM'd my right plant today. i came home and my one plant was dry as a bone, pissed. and my other is so compact with such close internodes im waiting to see how my test plant takes to the FIM and then i can release it to my healthy girl ;D



Day 25: i really want them to get bigger they are only roughly 6 inchs for 3 weeks now so im going to raise my lights an inch or so each few days.


Day 30: i tied down some of the lower leaves on the left plant, they are starting to smell pretty good in there box, i moved to more nutes each feeding, im going to add a pinch of epson salt to the right one, he has a manganese deficiency. the left plant is roughly a foot tall as the right stands a bit shorter when i FIM'd it it stunted a bit and i believe its just getting its strength back, i am thinking about 2 more weeks of veg at this point. i believe ill be happy with there size by that time. i better get to building there flowering chamber =)
