Arjans Haze #3 Indoor Hydro


Germination: Distilled Water in cup, 100% germination success (2 for 2)

: 3 100W(26W) 6500K CFLs on 24hours. Drip irrigation using 1/4 strength General Hydroponics nutes.

Flowering: 1 400W HPS 12/12 also full strength nutes using drip irrigation & CO2

Training: i will be training them for horizontal growth due do a very modest space and might introduce a Scrog method

Day 5: 2 seeds finally cracked and have been transplanted into there 1" rock-wool cubes.

***** if anyone has grown this strain before im open to tips and tricks. as-well as compliments n criticism! cheers!


Day 7: still awaiting for my little germs to sprout. i hope they get going by the end of the week so i can start my timers as i will be in absence for 3-4 days, very nervous!!


Day 8: they have partially sprouted, they have a lite red/orange/brownish tint to them it should show its self more tomorrow.


Day 9: they have finally fully sprouted! i am now turning the lights on for the 24/7 veg. i slso put them into their 4" cubes. not introducing nutes yet. the left plant seems to have another stem coming up out of the rockwool not sure tho.


yea they are about 2 inches from the plants. i had them raised because i was workin on the room and the lights get in the way because the rooms so small n compact haha.


Day 19: end of the 1st week, started them on there full strength nutes today. the Left plant is doing very well, the right plant is getting little holes in its leaf but im not sure what the deal is ill take some photos tomorrow.

The Lefty is taking real nice to the nutes and is startin her branches, cant wait to train that bitch.

The Righty is havin some trouble


Day : the right blant is doing real bad i think its nute burn the left one is still doing well. if its any worse when i come home im switching to straight water for a bit.


Day 24: i added some lady bus that just happened to be swarming my house when i can me home yesterday and my right girl seems to be looking healthier and my left girl is starting to get her deep arjan green color. ill take photos once i get home.


i just put some stakes and zip-ties in effect for training but heres how they are looking prior to the tie down


Ew algae =/


Day 27: End of 2nd veg week. i took the left plant out of the net pot, started training on both plants

alot of people look but say nothing? whats the deal?



Day 29: yesterday my lights and pump was off for about 16 hours while i was gone, shit! they seem to be doing fine, some of the algee growin on the top of the right girls rock wool cube turned to mold only on the surface so i cut it off and covered the cube. ill take some more photos this week, im going to biuld another grown room so i can flower with my 400w HPS.


Hey man, ima be watching this grow. I have some Arjans #1 and #3 seeds wich i was planning to scrog, but im running A.M.S and White Rhino instead, But ill run a Arjans #3 in not too long so im very exited about this :) Good Luck :)