Arjan's Haze: Midget Sativa in a Grow Tent


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I've surreptitiously obtained a 5 pack of feminized Arjan's Haze #3

Attitude rocks.jpg

from Attitude after watching this video about 10 times:


Great service from Attitude btw. I printed an order form, mailed cash and the goods arrived with a bunch of freebies about 2 weeks later. Can't beat that.

And I have a 39" x 39" interior grow tent like this one:

Here's my question: Growing a Haze, a sativa-dominant strain in that little grow tent, how many plants should I try to grow in this 39" x 39" space. 1? 2? 4? Or is trying to grow a Haze in this kind of space just a bad idea? If I can pull off something like the plant in the video I'd be happy as hell. I've got a great light, a 600 HPS in an air cooled hood.

Your opinions please...


Great choice with the Arjans Haze 3, I grew that for my first grow and is now my personal favorite for growing and smoking. If you have the right conditions in your tent I would try four. I had four but being my first time one grew to high so I had to put it outside (where it grew over 2.5m).The other 3 all ended up less than 3ft at harvest. Would like to know what other people think as I have also bought the same sized tent, just haven't used it as I'm overseas at the moment. I was going to try 2 plants. I'll be watching your thread.


Active Member
CrazyPop - Four plants? I'm new at this as you can tell. If I could get bush like the one in the above video, one plant would fill the tent. I have a feeling that Franco's expert growing skill has a little to do that impressive plant. For the hydro system what do you think of something like these:

which is a 12" x 12" General Hydroponics bubbler, or this:

a 15" x 15" GH bubbler. A result like this is what I've got in mind...

Picture credit goes to oldgrayhair. So, I'm thinking 2 of those 15" bubblers under the 600 watter. I am a first time grower. I've heard Haze's are hard to grow compared to Northern Lights and such. What do I need to know about growing Haze's going in?

Marlowe - Thanks and right back at ya 8)


Yeah you're right one plant would fill the tent if you can grow like Franco. For your first time one is probably safer, each time you grow it will be more easier and enjoyable. remember they use 85ltr containers, so I think 2 X 15" bubblers under the 600 watter would be enough. I've always used Canna's Coco for my plants and never had many problems with the nutes, be it Sativa or Indica.

If you do 2, make sure you can do something if they get to big for the tent, ex supper cropping, LST, topping or put outside. I don't like pruning my plants too much, and these babies can get wide.

Good luck