Arjan's Strawberry Haze Attic Grow Session


Well-Known Member
So after my last roomate freaked out one night and threw away my plants i had given up growing for a while....until now! I'm living with some new people and they said that i could use a closet upstairs and have access to the closet behind it. I'm thinking....Mother in a DWC setup in the closet and a clone SOG grow in the attic behind it?

The closet is like 3.5' x 7' x tall enough
but the door swings right in the middle of it.

The space for the attic is gonna be like 5' x 5' x 3' tall with the light outside of that area. Maybe thats not gonna be tall enough?

Any suggestions would be awesome at this point i'm gonna start germinating one of my seeds and start growing myself a mother.

At this point though i'm up for any ideas. Like I said my main concern is gonna be plants that are too tall in the flower room but i'm okay with being creative (or using someone else's creativity) to make a short hydroponics system and make it work. Please put in your two cents!


Well-Known Member
so after a quick trip to the hydro store, I did a paper towel germination 1 day after my last post with one seed. 2 days later, i decided to add another (1 to be my first harvest and the other to be a mother).

I prep'd the cubes with a 5.5 ph solution (as recommended) and used a light nutriet solution (1/4 tsp of each/gallon). I would tell you ppm but i don't have a meter so i'm going off of the directions on the bottle for now.
They each took about 4 days from start of germination to develop a big enough root to transplant them (to avoid heaving out when the seed pushes itself out of the hole).

Big one

Little one

I try to keep the light nice and close without burning them (it's not THAAT hot). I water them about 3 times a day by filling the pan below them with solution for about 15 mintues then draining it off. I have checked frequently and have not seen any signs of over/under watering or any excessive dryness, but i know that this method (especially when i upgrade cube size) will not hold for long. Still thinking about how to make a cheapo Ebb n flow but i'm not getting inspired by the GrowFAQ.

No news yet on clearing out my grow space...Probably gonna be a project for this weekend or next. Still listening for ideas. What kind of light do you think would do best in that kind of space? a 250 watt HPS? Do you think i could get away with 400? I was thinking of using a SCrOG (screen of green) method in the attic portion and veging a mother in the closet so that i can do a SOG later?

I'm thinking of driving out to bumfuck nowhere thats like 45 minutes away to pick up a 400w top mounted balast MH for 25 bucks (like the ones you see hanging in gyms or warehouses) but then i'd probably have to take the balast off of the top to fit it in my room. I need to do this for cheap! Anyone with DIY light experience?


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome to hear! Hows that coming along for you? Do you have any pics or a grow journal?
I'm so friggin excited about this strain you have no idea. "Very strong cerebral high" :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've been very impressed so far with these little ladies. To start off i think i kinda abused the older one with a little bit of cold (theres some purple on it) and a slight edge of the leaf got burned by the light. Other than that no real stretching vertical growth has been minimal but the internodes are really close together so far.

This is the older one that was abused slightly

The younger one

The bottoms of the leaves

The roots comin out of the bottom

The light situation with reference

ya they're still under the 23 watt cfl but they're nice and close so a little bit of light penetration goes a long way i figure. I'm gonna be purchasing a 400w HPS off of eBay soon tho... :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ya i'm thinking i'm gonna put them in a homemade DWC tub and put my 6 bulb CFL fixture over them (with 2 46w and 4 23w) and start prepping them for a ScrOG in the closet, then i'll add the screen in a week later and switch them to 12/12. I hear this strain is very stretchy, but i'd like to hear from someone thats grown there anyone who's tried Arjan's strawberry haze from green house seed co?


Well-Known Member

The thursday before the first weekly post that i missed I was watching a movie and decided to throw a black t shirt over my light and.....voila! The light tilted down and 1 hour later i had burned off basically all of the leaves from both plants! So ya that was embarrassing so i took 2 weeks growing them back (I'm surprised they both survived it was pretty bad.)

That and another week of procrastinating (and subsequently subjecting my plants to unnecessary nutrient and growing medium stress) means that they're pretty far behind for how long they've been around but i'm hoping that will all change.

Right now they're still a little sad looking but they've been in the DWC tub for 24 hours and nothing drastic yet. The deficiencies you see in the leaves were all there before i moved them into the tub.

The lights above them is a homemade 6 bulb (total 184 watts CFL) with a ghetto homemade reflector.

The space heater is because it still gets pretty cold during the nights so it's set to heat on low if the air gets below 67F.

I'm using GH 3-part I DO NOT have a ppm or pH meter i use a pH check solution and an adjustment kit but for the EC i have just been following the recipe on the back and hoping they don't get burned. I'm using the full growth recipe cause I'm sure they're starved (3 parts floragrow, 2 parts floramicro, 1 part florabloom)

Ventilation: I don't have any kind of it set up yet. The main reason why is because i'm doing this in an attic and theres a decent amount of dust in the crevices and i don't feel like stirring that up.

SO...i KNOW i'm gonna need some kind of fan sometime soon, but how do i do that without blowing shit everywhere? I was thinking about maybe putting up some walls from the ceiling using panda film (black and white plastic) But ya for now that light doesn't put out much heat, but i do wanna get a 400w hps in there sometime. Do you think theres enough clearance to properly ventilate that? I'm worried that there wont be enough even using CFLs that i can get really close to the plants...

Suggestions, as always, are welcome.




Well-Known Member
SOO they aren't taking to their new environment too well i suppose. I checked the pH which was at about 7 so i downed it to 6. Like i said I don't have a tds/ppm/ec meter so i'm just following the recipie on the back of the GH 3-part bottles. Does that look like nutrient burn to anyone? I'm hoping that it was just the ph i guess i gotta be on that shit more often.

I also do not have a fan blowing on them, because it is in an attic and i don't have pandafilm to partition it off yet. it got pretty hot yesterday but def nothing over 95 in the attic. I think i went up there and the thermometer said 85



Well-Known Member
Could be that you are over watering. Could be the ph. And could be nute burn. Nute burn starts at the tips of the leaves. Did you notice any small burn spots on the tips?

And how hot has it been getting in there? 91 and above will kill them.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure it hasn't been getting over 90. It's a DWC system so i dunno how overwatering would be it the air pump is for an aquarium 20-40 gallons. You can see the pictures from a little over 24 hours ago. I dunno on the burn it happened so fast...maybe i should just fix all of the problems? I wanna dilute but one of them already looks N deficient...


Well-Known Member
LOL, didn't even notice it was a DWC. I say over watering because they are all curled up.


Well-Known Member
okay now i adjusted the ph down from 7 to 6, i diluted with ph adjusted water (like 25% diluted), and i put a fan in there blowing over the plants (but not enough to blow dust everywhere) I think i should have hit all of my bases just gotta play the waiting game to see if i fixed it or not...


Active Member
How unlucky! I can gather how much you loved those babies, that setup looks like a labor of love if ever I saw one!

I myself haven't seen my strawbabies in a few weeks, hopefully my dad's been looking after them ok! I'll update when I find out what the story is.


Well-Known Member
So i got discouraged for a week and didn't even go up there, but i went back and, after a haircut, they looked good! Well, at least the little one survived, but the big one is starting to look real nice! I've got a big fan in nice and personal on the big one so the cfls are pretty cool to the touch. Didn't take a picture but the roots are long and thick and white! I really gotta suck it up and get a tds meter...
