arkansas med. MJ laws to be put in ballot


Well-Known Member
begining late next year, medical marijuana is gonna be voted apon to become legalized to destribute marijuana for medical my fingers crossed.......other than i actually love MJ, i do actually medically need it for chronic knee pain, was in a bad accident and couldnt walk for year and a half, 5 surgerys......i always have some extent of pain in my left knee, sometimes it keeps me up at night, if i walk or stand for a prolonged period of time, it swells and throbs and it actually kills my i would love to have my card..........if it dosent pass next year, im moving to califorina/ or colorado


Well-Known Member
begining late next year, medical marijuana is gonna be voted apon to become legalized to destribute marijuana for medical my fingers crossed.......other than i actually love MJ, i do actually medically need it for chronic knee pain, was in a bad accident and couldnt walk for year and a half, 5 surgerys......i always have some extent of pain in my left knee, sometimes it keeps me up at night, if i walk or stand for a prolonged period of time, it swells and throbs and it actually kills my i would love to have my card..........if it dosent pass next year, im moving to califorina/ or colorado
I have family in Arkansas and I am not far away, at all; so I stay apprised of the situation.

The same thing was tried last time around in 2010, and not enough signatures were collected to put the issue on the ballot.

That is where the situation is now. An actual vote is nowhere near a sure thing.

Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel certified the initiative in April, meaning advocates can begin collecting the 62,507 valid signatures they’ll need to place the initiative on the November 2012 ballot. They’ll have until July 6, 2012 to do it.

Arkansas is an Industrial Hemp state, so the initiative might have a chance.

I'm personally against MMJ; in favor of full re-legalization instead. So I would not be signing the petition even if I were a Razorback.