around 2 weeks into flower


Active Member
how they looking?

im using 2 42 watt cfls. its in a pretty big bucket. Water is every 2/3 days. using african violet bloom nutes.



Well-Known Member
looks healthy. a little bit stretched. you should get a few more bulbs around it. its a little behind for 2 weeks into flower. good luck.


New Member this is EXACTLY 2 weeks AFTER you switched thew light cycels??How long from the day you switch cycles does it NORMALLY take for cannabis toi show sex like this??Im using a 400W HPS,coco/perlite medium,a.n nutrients,and a pretty clean setup will they show sex in like ATLKEASY a week after switching??


Well-Known Member this is EXACTLY 2 weeks AFTER you switched thew light cycels??How long from the day you switch cycles does it NORMALLY take for cannabis toi show sex like this??Im using a 400W HPS,coco/perlite medium,a.n nutrients,and a pretty clean setup will they show sex in like ATLKEASY a week after switching??
I am using the same set up as you....Yes, you can expect to see what he has in 2 weeks...:)


Well-Known Member
i would say it all depends on the strain.not every plant looks like this after two weeks of switching. some sooner . some latr


New Member
Ok..what is the avergae for PURE indicas like Big Bud,Northern Light,Aurora Indica etc?..I know sativbas will genrally take longer to flower..and they strech more during flowere than indicas..


Active Member
well like indicas are bushy and have big leaves, and sativas are more tree like and have slimmer leaves. i would say my leaves are sorta fat, but my plant is more tree like.


Active Member
if the meristem is te stem that is the central stem, then yes, it is sorta ribbed. not totally circular. i thought that was for most plants though.