around 2 weeks of flowering, does this look like n deficiency?


Well-Known Member
this girl looks quite fine, but lots of yellowing the past 2 weeks.

i swear i take off like 3 leaves every day, some days even more. she's almost naked at the bottom, this is starting to look like a scrog setup or something.

im questioning the possibility of an N deficiency cause tip of leaves are a little brown in color. almost unnoticeable though.



btw, im using biobizz nutes. the dose right now is 2 grow 3 bloom 2 topmax and 3-5 alg-a-mic.

all 7 other plants are real real bushes. lots of leaves on them, no yellowing, totally happy plants.

this is an lstd seedsman white widow.

Everything looks fine to me. What is the new growth looking like? As you go into flower some shade leaves die off. Pull them off as they yellow and die off.


Well-Known Member
its normal for plant that already into flower since the nitrogen is take sideline to let p and k do the work to grow the buds.


Well-Known Member
that's what i was thinking.

but.. ain't it too drastic for plant to lose like 2-3 leaves every day? also, why other plants don't lose that much leaves?


do not let any dead or sick looking leaves just fall off into your soil. it will just infect it again so watch the falling of leaves and make sure your other plants cannot get an illness from one. and yes what you're describing does sound a lot like N deficiency. There is commonly ammonium (NH4+) in hydroponic fertilizers which is readily available for uptake so id recommend adding a little more fertilizer or if you know what type of deficiency it is then somehow try to just put more of that nutrient in your water. Happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
i think it's the biobizz. it lacks something.

i never understood the whole epsom salts thing. where the hell can you buy magnesium for plants?


Active Member
check the exact nutrients that your nute mixture has. mag should be in one of them. it doesnt look like a mag def. i wouldnt worry too mush about it until it became a bigger problem. i wouldnt add N either as in this stage in the plants life you should be tapering off on nitrogen. nitrogen phosphate potassium calcium magnesium boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, iron and manganese. should be in your feeding solution somewhere. lack of either of these will cause a deficiency


Active Member
I'd try whipping up some guano tea, cutting it with water 25/75 then use the tea as a foliar spray. Tea tends to have a bunch of trace elements that other ferts may be missing, it is also fast acting and usually will not cause more problems for your plant unless you really try to over do it.


Active Member
a good nute solution should contain the right amount of the 3 major 2 secondary and trace elements needed for healthy growth. not trying to state the obvious. but i use the GH flouro series and they contain all that is needed without additives. check to see what you have and what you need. that will give you an idea of what you lack. i/e cal-mag, iron etc.