Around the world of growing in 80 days


Well-Known Member
i thought this might be a cool theme to make a journal because i actually have about 80 days to vacate my area not cause i am getting kicked out or anything but because i need to move Back to san diego so this journal will be about the various stages of plants development in a gro op and how they progress and change during an 80 day period in the life of so to speak. so with that lets get started

I currently have 70 clones sittin in an aero cloner i guess is the term for em (basically it is a sterilite tote that holds about 5 gal water and i cut holes in the lid for neoprene inserts and airstone bars oxygenate and disrupt the water for the clones) they have been in since 9-22-08 and i dint wash the tote since last clone session also since it is now 10-7-08 and therefore 15 days since they were taken they should be with profuse roots ...........the problem i believe is with anaeorobic pathogens that create a type of slimy coating over the clone stems i have recently added h2o2 35% at a rate of 1.7 ml per L and you can actually watch the h2o2 attack and create bubbles just like when you apply hydrogen peroxide to a wound hehe ...thing is some of the clones i dont think will recover from the exposure to slime they seem to have collapsed stems (meaning it seems as if the inside of the stem has been rotted out causing it to crush)and i have seen this before in actually the clone session right before this one. the slime discouraged roots for around 20 days which i have found with previous clonings is way too long to root i will have a pic of them as soon as i can get a nice camera ..and i would just like to add that if you use h2o2 from the start and not skimp on using a little dishsoap and clean those aerobays between use ...i use to think they would give me around 80-100% success everytime and then bam you get stuck with a month and a half gap in my perpetual 2 week harvest setup (harvest every two weeks sort of Sog) so i am still not sure cause i believe in knowledge that is found thru real life scenarios to be of much more use than alot of "book learnt facts" dont get me wrong books are very valuable to me and i read em all specially as reference material with that said lets get back to gro op like i said i have a 70 site aerocloner that sits in a box that has two 3 ft. flouros in it about 4-5 inches from the tips of the cuttings when bay is full ... that seems to be a nice amount of clones considering that i am after only like 20-30 successful every two weeks and every two weeks you should have profuse clones from fresh snips 2 weeks from cut to rooted..the reason for the 70 site bay is the fact that it only took two times of clones messin up and i started to panic and make large bay (70 site) and a small bay (28 site ) and also i read Al B. Fuct on his process of cloning and decided to give it a shot RW i mean i used gel on the RW cuttings (clonex) this brings me to my other bay and 45 RW strikes i am trying to root i have another bay the 28 site which has done superbly for last few clone sessions ..note that i cleaned that bay out with dishsoap so bad in fact that it made bubbles froth out of it for like a day or so before i could put in clones but it made no difference dishsoap dint seem to do anythin bad to bay the 28 site bay was taken on 10-2-08 and it looks great no slime and leaves look very healthy looks as if the clones are still connected to a healthy mother plant the RW cubes are a little wilty and i wish my heatmatt would work but seems to be broken..most of my plants are ppp from nirvana and my other strains that will be featured in this journal are snow white from nirvana , northern lights from nirvana , aurora indica from nirvana , a mystery strain , big bud from nirvana , a bunch of schwag seeds , magic bud from paradise seeds , and another mystery strain knick named purple sticky we will call that one Ps for purple sticky hehe so here is a breakdown of strains

Big Bud (nirvana)---BB
Magic Bud (paradise)---MB
Northern Lights (nirvana)---NL
Snow White (nirvana)----SW
Mystery Strain (San Diego local)----?
Aurora Indica(nirvana)----A (indicated by having a blank stake)
Swag seeds (Mexico brick)---Swg (indicated by having no stake at all)
PPP (nirvana)----Pp
Purple Sticky (Local Friend)----Ps
Swag seeds (mix batch)-----Sg

That is a breakdown of my diff strains and cloning techniques up to date and will hopefully have some pics soon ... my next post will describe more in detail on the other processes that are happening in the life of cannabis 80 days

by the way 80 days from now is 12-26-08 i think hehe i am a stoner dont forget


Well-Known Member
omg that was a lot to read i wont do that to you anymore and soon i will get pics really aint shit without the pics i am gonnna get camera soon heheheh