Arrested Development


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what causes a seed (after germinating in a wet paper towel) to rise above the grow media, and stop developing. ie not force the seed shell open/off?


i am currently germing 5 ams fems and 10 northern lights, the first nl to pop did this, the stem seemed healthy, but it wouldnt lose its helmet. gave it like three days, and mold started to grow on it, so i pulled it. dont have any clue what causes it though, first time ive seen it.


Well-Known Member
you can take the shell off to help it along!it just means its a little weak but that dont mean it wont grow into a strong and healthy female.


i popped the shell off when i pulled mine and the cotylydons were a grayish brown color, def dont think it was gonna make it


Well-Known Member
I pulled the shell off, and the cotyledons were still whitish. After a few days, they greened up a little bit, but never opened, more leaves were attempting to grow out of the sides, so i very carefully force opened it myself. One of the cotyledons seems dead, but the other is fine. New growth is starting, so its cool.