Arrrg, Spider Mites


Well-Known Member
Just need some opinions/poll if anyone has successfully eradicated mites without return. I have 2 small clones that I found mites on (6 adults total). I killed the adults, removed all leaves with damage, and proceeded to scour both plants top and bottom with my microscope and picked off each egg and juvenile mite with a sewing needle and burned them with a lighter. I then sns217 both plants entirely. The scour job took 3 hours and I sun burnt my head under my lamp!

Day 2 I wiped each leaf top and bottom with a h2o2 solution and reinspected to find nothing (4 more hours of work)

Day 3 I sns217 top and bottom after another inspection finding nothing. I bleach moped my floor as well.

I plan to repeat this entire chore again in 4 days. Plants look happy.

Is it possible that being so absolutely anal I got rid of them entirely?


Active Member
if the clones are the only 2 plants you have, you can probably avoid all of the tedious microscope work, and just do a few more applications of the SNS. In fact I would just dip in the SNS. Dip every 5 days or so far a couple weeks, and instead of spending all the time poking eggs, use that time cleaning up around the grow a bit. I used a couple hotshot no pest strips and couldn't find any live activity within 2 days. It's now day 15 and I still can't find anything alive, though under a microscope i still see eggs. At this point I'm thinking that these are empty shells, or just dead activity now. My plants were too big to rely solely on any kind of spray. However I did do a couple mighty wash sprays as well as a insecticide soap spray for extra good measure. I believe the hotshots would have done the job on their own.

If you want to take it up a notch from the SNS, feel free to go with Forbid, Avid, or Floramite, those are the big 3 mite killers. I would consider that to be a little overkill if you only have 2 clones however.


Well-Known Member
Just an update. Still no mites to be found. Regarding use of a peroxide mix to kill eggs, it worked great for me to wipe the both sides do the leaves with a cloth containing the mixture however, this caused pin size holes in the leaves where ever a spider mite egg resided. I assume due to the chemical reaction the peroxide had on the egg. The leaves still look very healthy!


Active Member
ive had mites and i swear they are like cockroaches you think they are gone a boom they are back. dont let your guard down. ive used every product on the market practically see my post about mites. best killers of them is to first bomb with pyrethrim, spray girls with spidermite knockout then next time use bonide. trae room again with bleach vacuum everything up after bombing. all it takes is for 1 egg or 1 spider to survive and they come back. i hate theese fkers!!! lost alot of good plants to em i had to get rid of all my moms and re start everything. need and aza max didnt work for me they just laughed at me :) LOL


Well-Known Member
I usually spray with neem every week or so for mite prevention. If I still happen to find one liquid ladybug seems to work very well.