Article V of the constitution. It is time to put them in their place.


WOW what a great thread. I posted this because I feel that the government is out of control. I think there should be term limits in all aspects of government. Private prisons should be illegal, if the state wants to lock people up for simple possession charges and nonviolent victimless crimes, then they should have to house and feed them. The war on drugs is bullshit and they lost. The D.E.A. should be disbanded. I am all for states rights, if the people vote on an issue then it should be as they want. There should be some kind of license or qualification for people to have children. All drugs should be legal! Let the meth heads and heroin addicts do all the dope they want, soon there will be far less drug addicts.

Let the flaming begin!


Well-Known Member
WOW what a great thread. I posted this because I feel that the government is out of control. I think there should be term limits in all aspects of government. Private prisons should be illegal, if the state wants to lock people up for simple possession charges and nonviolent victimless crimes, then they should have to house and feed them. The war on drugs is bullshit and they lost. The D.E.A. should be disbanded. I am all for states rights, if the people vote on an issue then it should be as they want. There should be some kind of license or qualification for people to have children. All drugs should be legal! Let the meth heads and heroin addicts do all the dope they want, soon there will be far less drug addicts.

Let the flaming begin!
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