as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

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Well-Known Member
I agree as much as everybody bitches and cries about cops, They don't deserve to die, just for doing their jobs. I can't imagine being shot just because of the job that I do.


Well-Known Member
Thats a sad story. I never like to hear about death. Nobody deserves that. The only people I would wish death on would be people who commit crimes against children or scumbags that will so easily take another man's life without regret.

Prayers to those men's families.


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember the story of the guy that put a 12 gauge in his daughters mouth in front of a cop to get out of a speeding ticket?


Well-Known Member
After seeing the things that cops have done to the public, I really cant have any sympathy for them.


Well-Known Member
"brothers"? you a cop or do you just play one online? :bigjoint:

parolee, didn't want to be taken alive. he had warrants, ....................


"thats what it was for all intensive purposes" hahahahha
I guess that cop never went to school?


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how cops shoot first and ask questions later, is there any wonder why people have started trying to get the drop on them?
Exactly.....if you let them just arrest you without a fight theres a chance you are going to get the shit kicked out of you anyway....or mistreated once in jail(by the cops)

cops are sad as it is....I find it extremely hard to feel bad for dead cops.


Well-Known Member
Alot of you guys are mad petty. These men lost there lives in vain. They now have children with no fathers, wives with no husbands, and parents without or one less son. Sorry you can't accept the fact that LEO's aren't all bad, and can be victimized as well. Loss of human life is horrible anyway you slice it. I just find it very sad you guys would distinguish between the two just because the deceased wore a badge.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i would never go into any law enforcement or border patrol, the gun on the hip is there for a reason ,this is a perfect example every psycho with a chip on his shoulder and a gun will focus on you


New Member
Apparently the shooter was upset over not being able to find a job, it's a case of suicide by cop.

Growtech, did you happen to read the other link, about cops kicking in the doors of the wrong houses and shooting people who were inoocent? One of those victims was 11 another was 14, that's what I was talking about. Shoot the 11 year old in the back while he's on the floor and you're in the wrong house, then sort it out during your civil trial.... :roll:
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