

Active Member
ash is good, i use pot ash you can buy it at most plant shops.even fire ashes are good for the soil and plant. if you mean joint ash, y not its still ash, and as for bong water, your better off using fresh water bong water is usally shit and plants pefer fresh


Well-Known Member
i was bbq'ing today and i was wondering the same things. what are the benefits of using ash?


Active Member
ash has many benifits it helps soil drain out, and contains phosphous from burnt embers this is also good for helps prevent root rot from soil being too damp around root ball, is a great natural fertilizer. ive only ever used it outside growing in the ground, not inside


Well-Known Member
ash has many benifits it helps soil drain out, and contains phosphous from burnt embers this is also good for helps prevent root rot from soil being too damp around root ball, is a great natural fertilizer. ive only ever used it outside growing in the ground, not inside
If I am not mistaken, it also has nitrogen as well.


Well-Known Member
thanks everybody. so is it best to add the ash to your water solution, or just sprinkle it on top of the soil?


Well-Known Member
my clone pictures are under my pictures, couldnt figure how to post them into challenged


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken, it also has nitrogen as well.
We're allowed to burn brush and other natural debris where I live, so we have a couple of burn piles. I wanted to put some of that ash into our new compost pile. Do you guys think I should compost the ash first, or go ahead and mix some into my soil?


Active Member
dont mix it just sprinkle it lightly over top of soil, not too heavy.natural wood is best to use aswell, as treated timber contains arsnic that will kill plants. you can turn it in but only once dont mix it hard out. the natural fibres will sink in.after sprinkling water then leave. dont mix it into fert or nutes. bong ash is ok its not harmful. THIS IS FOR OUTSIDE GROWS ONLY guys, ash is somethimes a bit strong for potted plants and it may cause side needs free draining ground for full potential. you could try it with small amount in a potted plant. exsperiment i guess