askin for some love please????? need answer's


Active Member
i have 3 plants that i keep 4 f40 bubs on 24 hrs. a day right now i planted them in a pre fertilized soil and have feed them twice with m.g. all purpose i have noticed they are changing color and now has brown spots i have tried to get answeres on here before no luck lots of looks but no help just needin some love and a response so my plants dont die? i only used a 4th o teaspoon to a gallon of water filtered water? these plants are over a month old and are very short ? i dont no much more to tell you my temps. go from 75-80 with a humidity at 30-40 ? i would really love some help thank you


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i bet you used mg soil or a soil with a time release nut. if so thets your problem over nutting. justflush with ph'ed water and cut the dose in half if you are in fertelized soil. if not when did you start feeding your girls.


Active Member
yes it was a pre- fert. soil dont no how to flush? new at this can you help me out really am having fun with this and dont want them to die?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just water with plain water for a few waterings but ph the water before you do. i recomend not to use a fert. soil for that reason. you really dont no what you feeding then and you will over nut every time. good luck. after you water a few days check the ph in your runout and see where its at. you want it to be 6.0-6.5.


Active Member
first pic looks like over moist soil, second looks like it might have a slight ph prob,do all the plants share the same feed ?