Aspirin water WILL kill your plant if you are not careful!


Well-Known Member
Well someone's an archeologist, this thread is ancient! I realize this is 12 years to late, but why would you put ¡3! IN A SOLO CUP?!?
Here little one survive in this sludge.
Aspirin isn't food. My girls get 1 aspirin per gallon, per week, and in my cloner 1/2 a pill per gallon. And they're great


Well-Known Member
Aspirin has, generally, the same effect in our plants as it does on us. Thinning of vascular fluid. Yes the salicylic acid helps stimulate root growth but, I've found that, aspirin mainly helps with fluid uptake.

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Aspirin has, generally, the same effect in our plants as it does on us. Thinning of vascular fluid. Yes the salicylic acid helps stimulate root growth but, I've found that, aspirin mainly helps with fluid uptake.
Do you think it could contribute to a plant uptaking more or less water overall?