Assasins Sour Diesel AeroGarden Extravaganza

wow just went thru this journal and DAMN. nice setup you got there bro keep it up. my 9 plants are still veggin, gotta while to go but im hoping for a few females. sucks that you had those 2 males in the beginning. but its all good now with those females! lol


Well-Known Member
Crimea Blue is starting to show her colors. Ill get some pics when I get my good camera back from my other half. CB should be good to go in a little over a week. NightShade should be a couple weeks behind her.

Week 7
Crimea Blue poking up in the back.
week 7 crop.jpg

My Mothers!
Week 1
Foreground: Destiny (Pandora's Box)
Background: Porsche (Sour Diesel #4, last three were males)
Neither feminized :(
moms 1 week.jpg


Well-Known Member
dam, that blue is looking right man, shopuld be some good smoke. + rep bro.
I hope so. Its only going to get a half ass flush. Youll have to let me know when you start another party cup. I wanna go head to head with some one.

damn this put my grow to shame your top cola is probably more than half my entire harvest.
I dont know man. Both ours had some leaf issues. Next one should go a lot smoother. Was this your first grow?