Assistance Please!


Well-Known Member
i have a skywalker og plant 6 weeks into flowering i had to take outside for numerous reasons, now it gets hit with 5-6 hours of direct sunlight a day...but its about 93f out here in so cal and very bright!....what do u guys think will happen to this plant??...please help, ive never gone outside, this is the best/only spot in my backyard i can put her...

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Since you are reducing the number of hours of light it's receiving I don't believe it will reveg but just know what 6 weeks is when they really start packing on weight. I would put them outside longer than that because this is prime time for them. Make sure the soil doesn't get too dry and feed it some molasses if you haven't been already. From my experience cannabis is a plant that loves to thrive and can be put directly outside and just love it, this is not true with all plants as many vegetables etc have to be gradually exposed to the outdoor elements and hardened off.


Well-Known Member
Since you are reducing the number of hours of light it's receiving I don't believe it will reveg but just know what 6 weeks is when they really start packing on weight. I would put them outside longer than that because this is prime time for them. Make sure the soil doesn't get too dry and feed it some molasses if you haven't been already. From my experience cannabis is a plant that loves to thrive and can be put directly outside and just love it, this is not true with all plants as many vegetables etc have to be gradually exposed to the outdoor elements and hardened off.
thanks for the reply CC, rep+...well i have this cabinet and it got too crowded, i had the skywalker all bundled up with green wire to hold it together cause it was LSTed early was making the room too crowded and not alotta air flow, i decided fuck it...i threw off the 12/12 cycle by bringing it outside right as the lights were about to turn on(which makes that 9pm) in essence it got an extended dark period one night (24 full hours just about12 in the cabinet w/ lights off followed by a full night of outdoor) and then BAM, outside in the direct 90+f so cal recieves SOLID uninterrupted sunlight in its spot from about 10am u think its gonna do ok??

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Hmm you say you are in week 6 of flowering, i'm assuming the plant must have a decent amount of bud at this point. You might be able to finish out the flowering process by replicating the 12/12 cycle by giving it extended dark periods, aka with a garbage back or some other light blocking material. But if you leave it be without covering it in the increasingly long daylight and warm temps will cause the plant to reveg and loose all of the bud that it has devoloped so far.

I've read previous success with the careful harvesting of the bud of the live plant, leaving maximum amount of leaves and foliage so the plant can perform photosynthesis and recover. This would effectively allow 2 harvests, 1 of the bud thats on it right now and another after the reveg process. I've also read of this technique failing and killing the plant due to not enough leaves or too harsh a harvesting method...maybe try it on a part of the plant if your going to try it at all?

Well I hope ive helped you somewhat, depending on how long the flowering is on skywalker the best decision may just be to cover them up and finish them outside.


Active Member
Hey man. Definitely do not put a garbage bag over you plant. you will end up getting bud rot from all the moisture the bag will hold. Put it inside a shed or something simular for 12 hrs. of darkness. Good luck, jethead


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys but im kind of over this fuckin plant, it doesnt wanna transition into outdoor, i appreciate all the help but well see what it does...thanks again...