At what point do we call the dispensary system a miserable failure

the owner of organix stated as much. he talked about having to have rented the building for a long time and all his start up expenses. of course in a year when he's recooped, he'll still charge the same or more because well, fuck em eh?
Yeah well as a grower I say fuck anyone who thinks they are gonna shut us out of the market. I like a few of you have partnered up with some people who are as serious as I am aboutout producing quality medicine for patients and at the same times keeping the market price low. Like I said before these assholes are in for a rude awakening if they really think they have created an effective monopoly and there is no one who fails bigger than the asshole who will try to run their dispensary as such charging whatever they want for poor quality. Maybe they will get it after that shit in those jars has been sitting there forma few months. Everyone bows to the market and this is just another commodity. Either listen to the market and adjust accordingly or fail. To think that you could somehow dismantle and take control of a multimillion dollar commodity market is foolish and laughable.
Arizona should have implemented a wholesaler provision....
This would be so much more beneficial than the idea that quality growers are going to donate freely; only to watch their hard work get turned around for PURE profit. The 25 mile rule is not going to stop everyone, despite popular belief from the monopoly owners. Even though continuing to grow will be dangerous considering this is the one law the state chooses to follow very strictly. Funny enough, there is very little personal interpretation on behalf of the department regarding this topic, lol.

Patients will never be able to get more than an ounce from a dispensary in this state w/ the current laws and know it alls running the show. Hopefully, the product gets danker as time progresses so the eights and grams actually have medical value.The Tucson dispensary is appointment only, they are booked out for something like 8 weeks, selling $28 grams/eights/quarters.
That Dr. was trying to be buddy buddy with all the growers at the markets, now it makes sense.
At the markets one can buy a $15 item and get a free gram, I imagine the markets will become even more popular in the future...
$28/g the Dr. would double up if he was able to legally obtain all of his dispensary meds from these markets.

Now PD is pressing up on one of these events recently since dispensary opened from what I have read here on RIU.?.?
If dispensaries are starting off by charging $20+ per gram, it shows they are in a very weak position. If they had cash reserves and a clue, they would be much closer to market. No doubt their business plan has $500 per oz weed written all over it.

Don't buy from them and they will all fold within months, a year at the most after opening.
Arizona should have implemented a wholesaler provision....
This would be so much more beneficial than the idea that quality growers are going to donate freely; only to watch their hard work get turned around for PURE profit. The 25 mile rule is not going to stop everyone, despite popular belief from the monopoly owners. Even though continuing to grow will be dangerous considering this is the one law the state chooses to follow very strictly. Funny enough, there is very little personal interpretation on behalf of the department regarding this topic, lol.

Patients will never be able to get more than an ounce from a dispensary in this state w/ the current laws and know it alls running the show.
Hopefully, the product gets danker as time progresses so the eights and grams actually have medical value.
The Tucson dispensary is appointment only, they are booked out for something like 8 weeks, selling $28 grams/eights/quarters.
That Dr. was trying to be buddy buddy with all the growers at the markets, now it makes sense.
At the markets one can buy a $15 item and get a free gram, I imagine the markets will become even more popular in the future...
$28/g the Dr. would double up if he was able to legally obtain all of his dispensary meds from these markets.

Now PD is pressing up on one of these events recently since dispensary opened from what I have read here on RIU.?.?
There are many ways to stay growing and not break the 25 mile rule. The 25 mile rule is like the border fence. Make a 10 ft fence and we will build a 12 foot ladder.
Also don't get your news from hearsay on RIU.
buy your weed off the street if you got a problem with it. a lot of those people are risking their own ass selling you weed which is why those prices are so high. if you want really good weed off the street they are still gonna charge you a premium. get over it or dont go there.

this. ^^^^^^^
Yeah well as a grower I say fuck anyone who thinks they are gonna shut us out of the market. I like a few of you have partnered up with some people who are as serious as I am aboutout producing quality medicine for patients and at the same times keeping the market price low. Like I said before these assholes are in for a rude awakening if they really think they have created an effective monopoly and there is no one who fails bigger than the asshole who will try to run their dispensary as such charging whatever they want for poor quality. Maybe they will get it after that shit in those jars has been sitting there forma few months. Everyone bows to the market and this is just another commodity. Either listen to the market and adjust accordingly or fail. To think that you could somehow dismantle and take control of a multimillion dollar commodity market is foolish and laughable.

The street dealers and Caregivers will never bring the price of Dispensaries DOWN. The Dispensaries will bring the street prices UP. Period.

That being said, even though im involved with Dispensaries I am on the side of growers and understand how things will affect them. I've teamed up with some good folks. I hope to help out many cool local growers to the best of my ability and enable them to be able to do what they love.
Basically we need more exposure. A lot of patients will still use dispensaries based on the fact they can't find medicine. With more exposure to the quality growers in Az, dispensaries won't stand a chance and we will force them to lower prices, just to be competitive. If we weren't in a grey area I'd suggest getting a billboard stating, "save with us!" and then have pictures of happy patients. Everyone is about saving :)
Basically we need more exposure. A lot of patients will still use dispensaries based on the fact they can't find medicine. With more exposure to the quality growers in Az, dispensaries won't stand a chance and we will force them to lower prices, just to be competitive. If we weren't in a grey area I'd suggest getting a billboard stating, "save with us!" and then have pictures of happy patients. Everyone is about saving :)

We just gotta scalp custys going into the D's...

"Pssssttttt... you wanna pay $120 for a quarter of some ok hydro, or do you wanna a half of some bomb organic at the same price."

I venture to guess we'd get lots of exposure lol.
That explains it.. the Dispensaries are attempting to bring prices up by selling grams for $20. They figure if they can just sell enough weed at $20, all the people who have been paying $300 and under on the black market will all want to pay $20 per gram and buy only eights and quarters at a time. Lucius has just leaked their secret plans.

Their plan only needs one more thing to be perfect...

A giant wall around the state to keep all those $2400 pounds from leaking in from California, Washington, Canada, Colorado and New Mexico. Oh and $500 pounds of crap from Mexico.
I had thought about donating some meds at the place in Tucson...straight to the patient. Bypass the $800/oz middleman.
Support events like the mmj farmers markets. Its a great place for exposure and also a great place to meet other growers and patients.
I could see it possible for dispensaries to affect market prices but i dont see much production from any of them. Bevause they are not producing, their price is inconsequencial, unless they are willing ti pay well over the industry wholesale price. Other wise all else equal and they have no determination on price unless they start snatching up supply which does not really work with a product that is consistently produced and shipped in.
If a dispensary is not able to provide 2.5 biweekly should they be considered operational?

This is the question many should be asking... What about the folks who have to juice? Or make concentrates? Or edibles? This is not going to fly and as of now there is not 1 dispensary(2 in State) that is able to help all patients needs... This a big issue folks... A dispensary is suppose to supply patients with 2.5 z biweekly. None have been able to do so...

Why hasn't anyone thought about this?

Not every patient smokes their medicine. Many very ill patients do not smoke their medicine. With this being said - how many folks have not been able to get their 2.5 z ? Everyone. Selling a gram at a time will create a burden on the patient. Was the spirit of the law to burden patients? I believe not. We need to stand NOW or be written off.

I am not against dispensaries but I am surely against a monopoly on patient's safe & reliable access to medicine. So until the monopoly is addressed in equality for patients and not dispensaries - I am giving NO support to dispensaries. I encourage all patients/caregivers growing or not to let these places know how you feel and how it will affect you personally if the monopoly is not stopped. Ask, "Why can't i get my 2.5 z of medicine?"

Do you go to Walgreen or CVS and the pharmacist only gives you 1 pill for a prescription of 30 pills? NO. (Yes MMJ is not a prescription but it still allows for an amount to be given/received through a State mandated/licensed provider.) What is next... Only 1 gallon of gas per visit to the gas station?
My condition is best treated by rolling naked in large piles of sugarleaf trim. Will I still be able to get my fresh trim to alleviate my suffering? I think not.

The question is not... why cant I get my 2.5z but why can't I afford my 2.5z at your prices.
So, three dispensaries and the going rate seems to be $20 per gram.

If the goal of the dispensary system was to sell weed to patients for the absolute highest price possible I guess it is a success.

In the meantime, I think we need a ballot initiative to remove the 25 mile limit and allow dispensaries to buy from caregivers.

If in November, dispensaries are still selling for $20 per gram, there is an easy case to make that the system is a failure and needs to be fixed.

At $20 per gram, my patients would be paying more than triple what they are paying now. Any system artificially inflates the cost
of medication is cruel and unjust. There is absolutely no logical reason someone should be make to pay $20 per gram.

There are a number of things wrong with the law as passed.

1) A system of monopolies which is obviously unamerican and unfair. Allow the free market in and allow patients to grow regardless of where they live.

2) The requirement for a 10 ft brick wall with 1/4" thick steel door to grow outside. Jesus fucking christ.. Are you serious? Most cities won't allow
fences over 6 ft. The cost to grow outside would be far beyond the means of most patients. Growing indoors is a horrible waste or resources. We
need to be encouraging outdoor cultivation to save electricity.

3) Remove restrictions on caregiver pricing. Caregivers are charging whatever the market will bear. It is unreasonable to ask people to work for free
and most don't abide by it anyway. Let patients choose their caregivers and make whatever deal they want.

4) Remove the 2.5 oz limit. If a patient contracts a caregiver to grow a crop, let the patient recieve the entire crop if they want. Don't make the
caregiver screw around giving out an ounce a week for three months. Do you suddenly start smoking more because you have a pound instead of
an ounce a week? I think not. As it stands now, if a patient grows a pound they don't have some magical device they put it in to dispense only
an ounce a week to themselves.

5) Reciprocity for patients with cards from other states. Currently on I-10 and I-40 police are profiling vehicles from colorado and california, pulling
over and arresting patients. If I have a rifle which is illegal in a given state, I am still allowed to posess that rifle in my trunk while I drive through
that state. We should at least allow patients to pass through the state without harrassment.

Way easier solution
make it legal to possess and grow and illegal to sell marijuana

Fuck dispensaries
No I think I asked the right question...

I don't think they would give you a chance to buy 2.5 oz at one time! :wall::wall:
Maybe if I gave them a millllllion dollars. Oh wait, that would only cover 32 grams at their prices.

Would a pharmacy be considered operational if it filled your prescription an eight or quarter at a time?
Speaking of pharmacies, is anyone familiar with the state regulations regarding their operation. I know that the chaa system was developed for them and there can be 10 for every one dispensary. One might argue that whatever regulations govern their access and hours of operation, the same regulations should be applied to operating dispensaries.
I thought it was put there to aide in cases of infectious disease, (limited internet conncection, correct me if I am wrong)