atami bloombastic


cheers mate. heard good things about it, so giving it a try anyway. just using base nutrients by canna and the bloombastic. got 5 or so weeks left. looks ok so far. just have to see how it goes. best of luck.


Active Member
im using only the bloombastic.1ml per gallon week1,2,3,5,6,7,
week4 1tsp cal-mag+, 1ml bloombastic and 1tsp sucant.
week8&9 water and 1tsp sucant. The strain im growing right
bloombastic is awesome stuff. it is a little expensive but i use AN so its not to bad. i used it with the recipe for success of course taking out a couple of ingredients and i got a way better product then with AN but the yeild doesnt compare to the AN line. with that said i didnt follow the recommend does. i used it from week 2 of flower untill week 7. the AN line yeilded between 5-7 per plant with 3 week veg and the bloombastic with recipe for success only yeilded 2-3 both done with superskunk in drip buckets.


seems to be working fine but nothing to shout about really. got 3wks left, so i guess this will be when a difference, if any, will show. been using it since wk 2 of flower at 0.5ml per litre. the last week 1.0 ml per ltr. used canna products only up until now. thought id give something else a try. growing bubble cheese in 2 9 pot wilmas under 3 600w hps in a 2-1.2-2.4 tent. the only trouble so far was a couple of the plants had their leaves curl inwards down the sides??? they seem ok now. also, you get a build up of clay sediment in the res, which isnt too bad as long as you use the pump filters. will let you all know when finished. cheers for the feed back. :)


sucant? what are the red dwarf like? my last grow was euphoria. they grew so tall that i had to take the top of the tent off and screw the lights to the ceiling! and then they ended up 4-5 inches above the tents top! lol not too sure what happened there! lol


Active Member
sucant is a natural sugar(organic)The red dwarf is an auto flowering skunk mix
the hight of the plant is under 2 feet. Its only 55-60 gram plant. I still have
two weeks left I am noticing that the leafs are turning yellow. i also have two
bluecheese vegging right next to it .Im growing under t5s the sunblaze 48
and 44. For a total of 60,000 lumens no heat and lights with in 6 inches.