Atempting to make bubble hash all help welcome

Genetic Geek

Active Member
You only need a machine if you have a hell of a lot to process. Easiest way would be to do your mixing in a separate container, say a second 5 gallon bucket, using a drill with a paddle in the bit. Then pour the mix into the 5 gallon with the bags in it. Then start the sifting process.
I won't need the machine then I only have about 3oz of trim and lard I like that ideas of 2 separate buckets thank you.


Well-Known Member
Even though I always use the whole set, I always got my best results from the 90 and 73 micron bags.


Well-Known Member
I'm late. But easy. Here is a micron layout pic to help. I removed the missing microns. Rabbit pellets for the bubbler. LOl. 003.jpg004.jpg