aten plants safe to use neem?


Active Member
what type is it 100% neem or 3 in 1 or end all. they have many pesticides with neem oil
Also if any one can be kind enough to help with this im not sure what soil to use and what to add or how to add, so far i have Kelp boost, Hillview organic soil booster, Miracle grow Organic bonemeal + Plant food, Pots and plant soil, and 5 gallon pales i plan on planting them in the bush with rocks underneath the pales with holes, should i be using this stuff? or is there anything i sould add or take out? also i think i need fertilizer now so i need to act fast thanks



Well-Known Member
neem oil is one of the best pest controllers you can use, especially if your going all ORGANIC..just don't use it late into flowering of you will taste in on your buds and that shit DOES NOT taste very good