Atheism Is Bullshit


Well-Known Member

Guys... I think I've found it... We've all been searching for it, but this is it... And the winner, for largest number of total fails in a single video goes to...

gqunit69 for this epic explanation of why atheism is bullshit. And when I say epic, I mean FUCKIN' EPIC!!! Watch this shit. This is absofuckinglutely ridiculous. Outrageous. Appalling!

This guy better be a fuckin' poe or I'm gonna blow my fuckin' brains out!


Pleeeeeease give me your thoughts on this person, this video, and how society could have failed so unfuckin' believably to educate him.


New Member
this dude is a retarded faggot, hopefully he got his 46-48 chromosomes thing from google or else he has no luck for life.


Well-Known Member
this dude is a retarded faggot, hopefully he got his 46-48 chromosomes thing from google or else he has no luck for life.
He even got it backwards. Humans have 46 and great apes have 48. Human Chromosome Number 2 is a fusion of two separate chromosomes found in apes.

Pad, I don't think this is a surprising vid. He basically is regurgitating the Kent Hovind lectures. It's no longer surprising to hear a litany of bad logic equating atheism with science. I no longer find it unusual that people that clearly have little to no understanding of science attempt to attack scientific discoveries when they conflict with their pet religious beliefs.
This guy isn't even the worst offender on YT.


His bachelor pad is rocking.
This seems like a case of him mixing things up he thought he heard experts say as truth and that he is an expert because he heard them say it.
I like his rant on Global warming, like the planet was suppose to melt.


whats on his shoulder a piece of paper?
Wow, so Hell is the ultimate scare, he's scared lol
I like how when you take away the punishment he doesn't know what to do "Go to the Ghettos"

This could just be another troll


New Member
i had to watch that shit man, his first video made me laugh. the follow up made him seem even more stupid.


Well-Known Member
Check the attitude and self righteousness in the first vid.

Shit went out the window in the second vid and was replaced by a little bitch.

That's my favorite part! lol


New Member
This guys stuiped religiuls groups where the ones who belive the earth was flat and 10,000 years old humans have no fur through selective breeding the hairey ones were not a loud to mate and hairy babby were often thrown away science is study through observation it has nothing to do with god global warming does exsist but were so stuiped we have to call it "climate change" Just cause science makes it harder for cults to fill you with there lies doesnt mean you have to say stuiped uneducated things about it