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Growing up smoking weed definately opened me up to things and made me especially curious about things. I looked into alot of different religions and found that although the core messages were all good most of them had been hijacked long ago by men who wanted to control people. Religion inspires people from the heart and that is a very powerful tool for manipulation if you want to control someone. inspiration is the motivation behind action after all. I was suprised with Buddhism as it encourages you to test its teachings and not just rely on blind faith. I did used to believe in a god of some sort but now i believe in my own potential and i take responsibility for my actions both past and present. I dont hate on other religions because i think its important to inspire people to do good things but unfortunately i think religion in general, especially the whole pass the buck, 'gods will' nonsense is to blame for alot of human suffering. I think religions started when people needed to justify to themselves and others things that they couldnt explain.

Just my opinion
I finally figured out the pattern of Braz, Maui, and the rest.

This explains alot.....

I believe in the Power of Good that can be generated by coupling an amalgam comprised of Law of Attraction and the Ethic of Reciprocity to a pulse processing engine fueled by my communities good will.

Can the output be the word of a God concept?

edit: changed if to of
I finally figured out the pattern of Braz, Maui, and the rest.

This explains alot.....

Gosh, you really are astute.
What's it going to take for you to finally acknowledge who is religous?No answer'd have nothing to mock if you were to address truth for once.
Keep me on that schedule ......and keep proving my point.;-)
Here's a fascinating old story (purposely avoided by the God hating Liberal media):

Is seems, Russians learned - the hard way - that a Country cannot survive without morality, interwoven into the conciseness of the society. Morals don't come naturally, they must be learned.

The founding fathers knew, self governance is required in a free society, or Corruption and lawlessness (anarchy). become the order of the day.

As we have seen in recent history there is little to stop children from mass murdering each other, if they lack morals and discipline.

And I see no reason why the US should have to learn the same lessons, the hard way.

BBC August 2006

Religion enters Russian schools

Orthodox Christianity has enjoyed a boom since the USSR collapsed

The Orthodox Christian religion is being made a compulsory school subject in four of Russia's regions.
Pupils in the Belgorod, Bryansk, Kaluga and Smolensk regions will be taught the basics of Orthodox Christianity.
It will also be included as an optional subject in the school curriculum in 11 other regions across the country.
Supporters say the move will help protect traditional spiritual values in Russia. Critics say it violates the constitution of the secular state.
In the Soviet Union the teaching of religion was strictly outlawed in schools and elsewhere.
Orthodox Christianity is Russia's main religion, but the country's Muslim community makes up more than 10% of the total population. There are 86 regions and republics in the Russian Federation.
Responding to the regions' move, the central educational watchdog body, Rosobraznadzor, said the Church was separate from the state, so the basics of Orthodox Christianity should only be taught as an optional subject.
The introduction of the new subject comes after lawmakers in the 15 regions backed the move.
Russian Education Minister Andrei Fursenko also voiced support, saying "schoolchildren must know the history of religion and religious culture".
He said it was a matter for the regions to decide.
"This year, a textbook on the history of world religions is available for the first time. It pays a lot of attention to Russian Orthodox Christianity," he said. One of the regions named told the BBC that the lessons planned for its schools would concentrate on history rather than questions of faith, the BBC's James Rodgers reports from Moscow. Nevertheless Muslim leaders have responded by saying that they will ask for lessons on Islamic culture to be extended."
I swear I see a big 'ol blank spot between 40 and 50.
In fact, I bet it goes on out to at least 55.

Between 40 and 55 percent of people are atheists.

edit: childish explanation - Answers may be variable.
It shows that almost exclusively... ppl with higher IQ's kow better...:wink:

One causality would be the smarter you are, the more control you have over ur personal environment.

Easy answers are like ornaments on a tree. Glittery but not much real purpose. It's the tree of knowledge which is the true goal, not the ornaments which are hung there by others.
Liberace grew up in a time period where priests had their way with kids without much repercussion. It's quite possible ol' Lib saw the gold and sparkly close up and personal like. :wink: