Athena IPM and Citric Acid didn't get rid of PM


Well-Known Member
Don't know what to do know, PM doesn't seem to get on my buds only the lower leaves mostly. I sprayed 4 rounds of Anthena IPM and 1 round of Citric Acid before I took cuttings when they started to root, etc... Sprayed the tents/rooms with citric acid.

Is there a thing as strain resistant PM also, bc I have to get a few new clones bc the one I was given is the worst yielder of all time.
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How are your night time Temps and humidity?

The citric acid only works if the environment is corrected. Temp swings should be less than 5°f when fighting the dreaded pm, but less than 10° for preventative.

Keep rh below %50. Pm spores germinate at %60 but like it around %50 to mature. Keep humidity low so none germinate, and keep up with the citric acid spray.

After this run, clean the tent and the room it's in with bleach and water.
I have 5 tents in the basement and already did the cleaning. Not really any temp swings. In the winter with lights off my tents are around 65 degrees. In the summer warmer around 75.... RH is always around 50% and I have no way to lower it or change my temps... Grown for 10 years and I've never got PM...

How late can you spray the Citric Acid in Flowering??
Are PM resistant strains a real thing?
Hi, it is late to solve your problem, but PM is easy and cheap to control. You need a mix of oil+emulsifier, I don`t know if you can buy that where you are, but there is that or the chemical solution which I reccomend once you are on this stage.

Vegetable oil, or mineral refined oil works well. With 5ml/l every 10-15 days it is enough to keep PM controlled, but it can be used until week 3 of flowering. Source:

Hope it helps.
Don't know what to do know, PM doesn't seem to get on my buds only the lower leaves mostly. I sprayed 4 rounds of Anthena IPM and 1 round of Citric Acid before I took cuttings when they started to root, etc... Sprayed the tents/rooms with citric acid.

Is there a thing as strain resistant PM also, bc I have to get a few new clones bc the one I was given is the worst yielder of all time.
Purecrop1 will solve your problems.

You can spray it right up to harvest.

I don't trust anything breeders list on their descriptions.

How often can I spray the citric acid? Right now my plants are on around day 10 of 12/12 and I just sprayed them... Should I spray them every day, every week, etc???

I'm also noticing that a strain of the 3 I have has much more PM on it. Is this normal. Can some plants fight it off better than others?
You can spray every day. Just use a lighter mix, like to 1 1/2 teaspoons per liter.

Some phenotypes can definitely be more resistant. Having every plant be resistant depends on the breeder, and the stability of the genetics.
Don't know what to do know, PM doesn't seem to get on my buds only the lower leaves mostly. I sprayed 4 rounds of Anthena IPM and 1 round of Citric Acid before I took cuttings when they started to root, etc... Sprayed the tents/rooms with citric acid.

Is there a thing as strain resistant PM also, bc I have to get a few new clones bc the one I was given is the worst yielder of all time.
Have you tried micronized sulfur? Besides eliminating the powdery mildew it also acts as an acaricide and you can find it everywhere and very cheaply. Of course, only in vegetative
Have you tried micronized sulfur? Besides eliminating the powdery mildew it also acts as an acaricide and you can find it everywhere and very cheaply. Of course, only in vegetative

No send a link please. Guy above says you can spray citric acid everyday all the way through flower, is this correct?
No send a link please. Guy above says you can spray citric acid everyday all the way through flower, is this correct?
I don't live in the U.S. and unfortunately we don't have the same products and they all pop up unavailable to me but some time ago I was recommended this product on RIU that if I'm not mistaken cost $8/10.
I'm not knowledgeable enough about it to tell you that it's okay to use citric acid during flowering but searching here and there on the internet I've seen that someone has already done it but I don't actually know what the risks are (assuming there are any).
Regarding sulfur I can assure you that you can NOT use it on flowers but if you act well in vegetative you can use it as a prevention product given the fungicide and acaricide function but you can't use sulfur if you have applied oil-based products (neem oil etc..) or in any case you should rinse the leaves before applying oil-based products so that they never come in contact.
Healthy plants don't get PM easy. Like other suggested you need to better your environment for PM to fully disappear. Clean your lung room often!
How are your night time Temps and humidity?

Temp swings should be less than 5°f when fighting the dreaded pm, but less than 10° for preventative.

Why does anyone have a temp swing? I keep my tent within 4° or 5°. For me it's a "set and forget". Am I doing it wrong?
Why does anyone have a temp swing? I keep my tent within 4° or 5°. For me it's a "set and forget". Am I doing it wrong?
You should aim at optimally having a ~16F/8C drop between lights on and off. Temps should optimally be the same every day. Controllers and automation helps you achieve this. Lower temps makes it way harder for fungal growth to flourish.