Attain TR residual. How long does it persist?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if anyone here with experience with Attain TR knows how long it persists on plants, walls, etc.? I've heard conflicting info. My plants still have another 5-6 weeks to go, by the way.

Some background..... This is the first time I've used evil poison to get rid of mites in many years of growing. I was hoping I had them beat this time around, but I'm 3 weeks into flowering and found out that I still have them to a small degree. Small presence in week 3 = infested by week 7, so I decided to get tough on them this time. It's now or never since Attain TR should not be used once the plants start to flower. I always throw the fan leaves away when I'm done as well, so there is no issue with ingestion. I have 2 adjacent 8x8 rooms that I treated. I turned off all fans, wore long sleeves and manually sprayed the can in the inner room for maybe 10 seconds by sticking my arm in the doorway. Then I went outside the outer room and did the same for a few more seconds before closing the entry port. I might have used 1/3-1/2 of the can. The lights were off, of course. I also put a plastic bag over my exposed bulb that I will remove later. The exhaust fan is set on a timer to come on about 3 hours after I sprayed. On the way out I plugged in the power strip so the oscillating fans would come on. I unplugged in the other room vs. spraying and then turning on the fans before I left the grow room. My #1 consideration here was minimizing contact with the evil poison and I think I did a pretty good job. The clothes that I took off after I got back in the house don't smell at all. It should also be noted that I'm growing in a basement with a cement floor and walls. I would never spray something like Attain TR in a house. I'm also aware that I will have to use protective clothing when watering and minimize contact with the plants for the rest of this cycle. I'm giving these details as a reminder of the precautions one must take when applying any kind of poison.


Why didn't I use Pyrethrum TR? Because it doesn't solve the problem. It only kills crawlers and the problem starts all over again in another 2-4 days. I'm sick of the little fuckers and I want them GONE.

Why didn't I spray? Because the plants are too big and it would be a time consuming hassle involving multiple applications, not to mention messy. And even then there is a chance of missing a few if you don't get 100% coverage.