Attempt one: growing without a growbox?


Well-Known Member
yeah i think i could build myself a box pretty well, or modify a small cupboard type thing. but the fact that i could get a good box cheap on ebay and it be collapsible is quite a bonus. people do seem to be spending an awful lot of money but then those are usuallt the people who use HPS and so need ventilation etc. anyway i'm gonna stick with CFL for now and handbuild all i can. it might have to come to a box though, for reasons of not having a constantly blaring light in my room, keeping me awake, keeping a more constant temp etc.

if someone could just figure out cold fusion sharpish...
i went to a grow shop earlier and they had some silly 1x1x2 grow box and the guy asked £40 for it! haha what a pisstake. but, with google shopping/ebay, you can find some good deals. especially if you ask opinions on here prior to buying.

so, let's see how i go from here!

bee swarm? nasty......

Good box cheap? I think thats pretty much going with what i said earlier with "bullshit fucking garbage". do you know its good? or are you just going with what you may assume, or see other people using.

HPS or CFL, you need ventilation no matter what. if you think otherwise, youre kidding yourself. stangent, hot, moist air is like a wedding invitation to mold, mildew, and pests to your crops.

"gonna stick with CFL for now and handbuild all i can" - I rock CFLs' with great results. Handbuild EVERYTHING. there is not one thing that you can not hand build yourself to grow plants inside with. Nothing.


Well-Known Member
The basic nutrients for any plant Are NPK

Nitrogen Phosphourus and potassium

You want something with a higher N value for Veg .

If you are in the UK ionic nutrients are inexpensive and pretty good to get your head around to begin with.


You are also gonna need to get a PH testing kit and ph down to be able to alter your ph to your plants requirements.
MJ plants work best between 5-7 ph ranges.

If you look through some of the sticky's at the top of the forum you will get the basics. Unfortunately to get a really good yield you have to spend some money. doesnt have to be massive amounts but you will need to spend it none the less.



Active Member
Neem is an oil pressed from the Neem tree native to africa. It helps to repel pests and it also is absorbed by your plant to make the leaves etc taste bad. Neem is a well documented natural pesticide it has the ability to disrupt the reproductive cycle of alot of insects.

In the UK you can buy your own Neem oil and make your own mix. Or you can buy something like neem repel which is already mixed and you just mix it with water.

COCO COIR is the husks and fibres that encase a coconut that have been ground up to make a growing medium. It is usually devoid of any nutrients so you have to pre load it with some.

The easiest way to tell you how it works it to tell you my feeding schedule.

I feed with an EC level of between 0.5 and 2.0 depending on the stage of my plants. EC is the level of electrical conductivity in your nutrient solution this tells you how much dissolved salts there are in your feed.

I use coco just like Soil in the fact that i hand water as i only grow 4 plants at a time. But basically with coco it is like a hydro setup and you just find the right strength of nutes that they like and keep them on it. So you Feed feed feed feed feed.

Its pretty cool.

I use just coco in my pots and nothing else. Its also really hard to over water when you use coco infact its near impossible unless you flush every single day lol.

If you want any more info about anything send me a PM and i'll help you however i can.

is this coco?


Well-Known Member
no thats rockwool by the looks of it.

You have to do some research as this rockwool normally needs soaking in PH5.5 - 6 water before use.



Active Member
hmmm interesting. will have to dig out my old chemistry know-how and make up some solutions.


Well-Known Member
You also have to be carefull when going from Rockwool into soil as the soil will quickly wick all the water out of the rockwool.

It is not impossible to go from rockwool into soil but you have to make sure you keep the rockwool moist until the roots push out into the soil.



Active Member
The basic nutrients for any plant Are NPK

Nitrogen Phosphourus and potassium

You want something with a higher N value for Veg .

If you are in the UK ionic nutrients are inexpensive and pretty good to get your head around to begin with.


You are also gonna need to get a PH testing kit and ph down to be able to alter your ph to your plants requirements.
MJ plants work best between 5-7 ph ranges.

If you look through some of the sticky's at the top of the forum you will get the basics. Unfortunately to get a really good yield you have to spend some money. doesnt have to be massive amounts but you will need to spend it none the less.

ah just saw this, must have missed it. good info man, will check out some some nute info tomorrow but this has been a good help. so, i can't rely on just a good organic plant food (maybe with boosted either N, P, or K) for different stages?


Well-Known Member
Its whatever works for you. I personally started with IONIC for my first grow. I am now on my 3rd and im still using the same 1 litre bottles i bought in the beginning.

I estimate that i will probably run out of nutes after my 4th or 5th grow.
not too bad for £7 a bottle



Active Member
Its whatever works for you. I personally started with IONIC for my first grow. I am now on my 3rd and im still using the same 1 litre bottles i bought in the beginning.

I estimate that i will probably run out of nutes after my 4th or 5th grow.
not too bad for £7 a bottle

cheers J, so did you need to change from grow to bloom to boost? i think i should invest in some good nutrients by the sounds of it. i'm not feeding now because they're in a compost mix, is that right? i don't wanna hurt them or anything.


Well-Known Member
i feed grow when they are on an 18/6 light schedule.
Then i continue to feed grow until the pistels show after i change to 12 12 .

Once the pistels show i then change to bloom nutes for 6weeks then during the rest i use 1ml/1L of boost added into my bloom nutes until i flush before harvest.

Ionic are pretty good bro for noobs.



Active Member
Good box cheap? I think thats pretty much going with what i said earlier with "bullshit fucking garbage". do you know its good? or are you just going with what you may assume, or see other people using.

HPS or CFL, you need ventilation no matter what. if you think otherwise, youre kidding yourself. stangent, hot, moist air is like a wedding invitation to mold, mildew, and pests to your crops.

"gonna stick with CFL for now and handbuild all i can" - I rock CFLs' with great results. Handbuild EVERYTHING. there is not one thing that you can not hand build yourself to grow plants inside with. Nothing.
how does this seem?

the good thing about grow boxes is that they are collapsible. other than that, i would just modify a wardrobe.

if i were just using a cfl, is opening the door now and then not good enough ventilation or would i need to get me some proper vents/fans?



Well-Known Member
if you stick with CFLs you can use PC fans for ventilation.

PM me and i will get you a link to a site that i use for decent fans.



Well-Known Member
how does this seem?

the good thing about grow boxes is that they are collapsible. other than that, i would just modify a wardrobe.

if i were just using a cfl, is opening the door now and then not good enough ventilation or would i need to get me some proper vents/fans?

Those are specifically the tents that i despise with a passion. for 50 euros, dollars, etc you could build a pretty cannon ass cab with full ventilation built to your specs.

And with any light, you want at least SOME air exchange between the inside of the box and the outside world. There are ways to do this and still have it 100% light proof utilizing angles and flat paint


Well-Known Member
Those are specifically the tents that i despise with a passion. for 50 euros, dollars, etc you could build a pretty cannon ass cab with full ventilation built to your specs.
Why do you hate them? What's wrong with them? What do you mean by a 'cannon ass cab'?

I was considering buying a grow tent in September for my next grow, have only heard good things about secret jardin. Would be interested to hear negative reports of them.


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate them? What's wrong with them? What do you mean by a 'cannon ass cab'?

I was considering buying a grow tent in September for my next grow, have only heard good things about secret jardin. Would be interested to hear negative reports of them.

Ever been to "Harbor Freight" or another Discount tool/supplies warehouse?

Well you know those shitty fucking powertools and garbage they peddle there, those tents are about the equivelant of those production values. They do little to nothing to contain any smell, and just simply are not worth the money.

And what i mean by a "Cannon ass cab" is, one that is STURDY unlike those PVC monstrosities, one that contains all odors and allows for the EFFECIENT and PROPER use of a carbon filter and air exchange system.

Those tents are marketed towards you guys, the ones who get on the net and see people using them and think that you somehow need some pre made shiny product.

just build that shit, and if you cant figure out then i guess youre just not cut for the work my man.

good luck to ya.


hi (first time grower) can anyone tell me if ive been giving my plant 24h of light from seed (she is now 3 weeks old) when to change light times and to what ratio:confused: plz any advice will help thanks man:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ever been to "Harbor Freight" or another Discount tool/supplies warehouse?

Well you know those shitty fucking powertools and garbage they peddle there, those tents are about the equivelant of those production values. They do little to nothing to contain any smell, and just simply are not worth the money.

And what i mean by a "Cannon ass cab" is, one that is STURDY unlike those PVC monstrosities, one that contains all odors and allows for the EFFECIENT and PROPER use of a carbon filter and air exchange system.

Those tents are marketed towards you guys, the ones who get on the net and see people using them and think that you somehow need some pre made shiny product.

just build that shit, and if you cant figure out then i guess youre just not cut for the work my man.

good luck to ya.
I really dont know how to reply to that. Do you have a naturally abrasive personality? Or did my questions pull some of your strings?

I dont have the skills to build things, but I do have the skills to grow plants. So, for those reasons im looking for something made for me in which to grow. Your answer assumes that containing the smell is a major factor for me, which it isnt, so that disregards that as a reason.

ps, people who generalise are ALL f*cking idiots! ;-)


Active Member
I really dont know how to reply to that. Do you have a naturally abrasive personality? Or did my questions pull some of your strings?

I dont have the skills to build things, but I do have the skills to grow plants. So, for those reasons im looking for something made for me in which to grow. Your answer assumes that containing the smell is a major factor for me, which it isnt, so that disregards that as a reason.

ps, people who generalise are ALL f*cking idiots! ;-)
yeah man you do seem a bit annoyed!

i thought the secret jardin products used metal poles? it says rust proof on the website anyways. i am interested by grow tents, simply because if i were to stop using one, i could just pack it away, quite hard to do that with a cupboard.

at the same time, i think i'm pretty handy and so could knock something up or mod a cupboard. we'll see. no rush.


Active Member
hi (first time grower) can anyone tell me if ive been giving my plant 24h of light from seed (she is now 3 weeks old) when to change light times and to what ratio:confused: plz any advice will help thanks man:mrgreen:

depends on what kind of strain you're using man. auto-flower or not.

AF, you want something like 18-6 (on-off) or 20-4. non-AF and i'm not the man to answer that question, not yet anyway :)

good luck!