Attempted Soil Grow, Afghooey, G13xSharlsbreath, All comments welcome!


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I am a patient who is a little fed up paying so much money for medicine so I decided to put myself up for a challenge. I acquired 2 seeds of Afghooey, and 2 seeds of G13 from the owner of a medical dispensary. I also have 2 seeds of bag weed that I tossed into the mix.

I have been posting in "newbie central" because I am a newbie but instead of flood those boards I will try to keep my posts contained to this journal.

Anyways, today marks 1 month anniversary since they cracked and this is how they look



Well-Known Member
However, they are not an outdoors grow. The sun passes over my backyard for only a brief period. From 11AM-12:30PM. A mere hour and a half. I let them sit out back and get some fresh air and natural light everyday before I put them back under the light system I have. I am using a Sunleaves Pioneer VI 6 x 54w.

I had a gnat problem so you will see those yellow traps in the pic. I realize that I was overwatering my plants when they were in the small sized pots. They would dry up quick and not hold moisture well. Since transplanting them to larger pots, I have noticed drastic improvements in growth as well as moisture retention.

I use a moisture meter/finger test to check for the moisture. Currently, I am letting my plants dry out to kill any baby gnats that may still be around.

I was told not to give my plants nutrients since I just transplanted them to new soil. They were on 10-4-16 Veg nutes prior to the transplant.

Anyways hope you guys can help a patient along the way. I have a few questions if any knowledgible person cares to help.

How long before I should start giving them nutes again?

Do you think its worth moving my plants from indoors to outdoors for that short period?

When will it be worth it to start flowering? I do not plan on cloning as my lease will expire at my house shortly.



Well-Known Member
plants are taking off nicely, lets see the rest of the set up. Sounds like you have some good genetics to work with.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, after letting the plants get completley dry, i have given them a small watering.

I also got 2 new friends to join the party :)

Let me know what you think of the setup and the plants. Any advice? Resume nutes or keep them off?



Well-Known Member
Yes unfortunately I had to factor in time as a consideration. My lease expirse the 1st of June so I have been forced to start flowering them early then I wanted. It has been around 6-7 weeks of vegetating. I will post pictures within a day or two...

right now, I am kind of just chilling. Havent given them water or nutes in a few days, they still have some moisture from my readings. I am waiting on them to show sex(a week-2weeks) and will give them small amoutns of veg nutes until sex then switch to bloom?

how does that sound? any other advice? pic to come..


Well-Known Member
you probably wont know sex for sure until a few weeks after you bloom and you should be able to start blooming a month to a month and a half after they sprouted


Well-Known Member
Day 4 flowering:

I decided to go through with it, and I am probably mistaken about a few but its looking like a few are already starting to show female preflowers.. I may be wrong but I am super excited!!!

I am considering going up to LA this weekend but I am scared that if I leave my plants saturday and sunday, a male might appear and pollenate all my plants while im gone so I'm going to just chill and watch these babies all day all night :D

Let me know what you thinK!! they are skyrocketing in growth, I am loving it!



Well-Known Member
shit there lookin good so far a longggg way to go man ive been waiting since like november when i started haha and im flushin all of them tommrow. U r lucky u got afgooey seeds, i use to live in dallas couple months ago and we got cali shipments everyweek and it was always pounds of afgooey and ive been diein to find a seed in it but i never did:cry:.

o by the way u could go to la your babies wont pollinate in 2days it takes atleast a week or so i had a male in my garden for a lil over a week on accident haha but shit my ganjas lookin great:mrgreen:
i cant wait to see these buds grow haha

later bro:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
male weed just scares me now as i lost a whole crop to seed(like 5 plants)every joint had at LEAST 10 seeds in it was ridiculous (still smoked it though (minus the seeds which i've recently used to grow) i knew nothing about growing back when that happened though and as bronto said and i've read numerous times on rollitup now, you have about a week

in my grow i'm actually at the point (very soon) of having to throw them into 12/12 to determine sex

Also i think i've read somewhere (you probably shouldnt quote me on this) that fresh fresh soil will have enough nutes for the first 3 weeks or so? someone please correct me if i'm wrong here (may depend on pot size/plant size)

looks good though good luck with your grow! post lots of pics, i find with my grow it helps to be able to look back at what you were doing and when and the dif stages. If you are anything like me you wont remember the exact dates unless they're written down somewhere.

My grow


Well-Known Member
damn though, im trying to have the buds clipped by may 25th... my lease ends the first and im going to have to cure... otherwise i would have grown those plants to be 2 feet tall haha! I have no height limit, just a time one :(


Well-Known Member
i only see 1 post so all is good (rollitup had a minor hiccup about 30 mins ago (as for your plants .. if you can get them into 12/12 by march 18-25 you should be fine.. that gives you a full 8 weeks of flower and 7 days of cure... no matter WHAT happens you WILL have some smokeable bud


Well-Known Member
Hey all, 6th day into flowering and I just did some big changes. I moved them to their final pots, 3.5 gallon(I believe). I also bought FoxFarm Bloom nutes instead of Maxibloom per request of the store owner...

The soil has been transplanted to a better mix of perlite, peet moss, and some other BS. I used to be in scotts potting soil but switched to this because its nutrient charged rocks and the hydroponix guy + my friend recommended it...

I am having problems with 1 of the plants being taller then the others, I am using t5 lamps and am tryen to have it as close to the plants but one of them is shooting up in height coming almost up to the light, what should I do?

Also, since transplanting, the Moisture meter reads wet, how long would you recommend waiting before its first water in new soil? first nutes?

Any help would be great, enjoy da pix :)

