Attempted Super Cropping But Broke top

So this is my first attempt at growing cannabis. My Collective offered classes and free clones so I thought I'd give it a go. I read a lot about super cropping and wanted to try it, When I bent the plant just below the top it snapped about 40% of the stalk. My question is, do I remove the top or let it heal? I want the lower branches to produces larger buds and more tops. Right now the top will heal if I leave it on but have I done enough to send the hormones that will cause the lower branches to expand and grow stronger?




Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Go ahead and top it. I see four shoots in the pic and there are obviously more nodes underneath, each of which can grow a new cola after topping. I'd use a sterilized razor to cut the top just under where it's broken for a fresh, clean cut. Make sure their pots will support them until they are ready to flower before topping.


Well-Known Member
When you super crop remember to press on each side of the stem with your fingers before bending. You will feel the hollow stem go flat and now it will bend instead of snapping.
You could just top it or leave the top and see if it will start growing and give you an extra top. If it's weakened enough the plant will react in the same way as if it was snapped or super cropped properly.