im planning to grow some new buds starting in early May, but im leaving for 2-3 weeks in July. This will be an outdoor grow. This is my second summer in Virginia, just wondering will there be enough rain for my plants to survive outside. Maybe theres a trick to keep extra water in my plants??

Any info will be really thankful!



Active Member
make a homemade irrigation system for the time you will be away! 2 liter bottle cut off the bottom poke 3 holes in cap bury somewhat in your soil fill halfway with water.
Sheep parasite management practices for the last 50 years were based on the assumption that such an environment would result in a field full of dead sheep. Instead, his research seems to indicate that the St. Croix sheep utilize an immune response in which local inflammation successfully counteracts the parasites. Most importantly, subsequent blood tests indicated almost no anemia. This was startling news.So, do we all need to buy St. Croix sheep, or crossbreed our own animals to this breed? Probably not. St. Croix produce lighter-muscled, lower-weight carcasses with kempy pelts. While a St. Croix ‘crossbreeding dose’ may be identified in the future, it seems we can all learn from the breed without having to utilize their bloodlines.Bowdridge’s research appears to show that early exposure of lambs to intestional worms seems to ‘prime’ the animal’s immune system to respond to them. That’s where the immunomodulation comes in, and it’s just like children who play in the dirt grow up to be healthier adults. Therefore, all the ‘good’ years when the regular use of dewormers seemed to control worm populations, we were achieving two unintended consequences -- ever-stronger intestional worms and sheep with ever-weaker immune systems.