Attention All Experienced Apartment Growers: Need help/info

I had planned to keep my budget about $200. About $500 past that, I had my setup completed. Haha.

You will definitely have to go the CFL route for lights. Check eBay as I got a 6pack of good bulbs for about $25.

Not sure what size grow space you are wanting, but I got a 20x36x64 grow tent from HTG on eBay for $85. So far its been worth the money.

Got my fans from (on left click intake fans, then click intake fans again in the center of page). I got two 6" fans. With your budget, these would be really good to get. For $65 you could get two 6" intake fans with a 240 free air cfm. Actually purchased those from them on eBay too as they did combined shipping. Just seach for Aero Fans or something of the sort.

Im a newbie myself so dont know how well the DIY carbon filters work, but from what Ive read, they work perfectly. Ive made one myself but my plants havnt gotten to where they stink yet. For about $10 you could get all supplies needed to make the carbon filter.

Duct work cost about $20 for 25ft.

My CFL setup is pretty simple. Got some cheap-o power strips and some Y splitters. Each power strip has 5 lights on it(check my journal for a picture) and they appear to be working great. Altho I do plan to upgrade to a 250/400w HPS light in about a month.

There are SEVERAL threads for constructing hydro setups. Ive got absolutely no idea how to do it as Ive read soil is much better for beginners, and figured I would do hydro later on, but check the DIY (Do It Yourself) section and you will find exactly the things your looking for. Prob a good 20+ threads with different designs.

pH meteres cost about $10 for a cheap one, although Ive found out that they dont work all that great. The moisture meter on it works ok, the light meter is pointless really, and the pH meter on it never seems to be very accurate. I picked up a soil tester kit from Lowes for about $7. Comes with 10 tests, figured that is plenty for a couple harvests. Found this site the other day for water pH strips. 50pk for like $9. Wayyy better than the $12 25pks Ive been getting.

When they say pH balanced water, i THINK they are referring to water with a pH level adequit for growing pot. Water pH test strips will realllllly come in handy for that. My tap water is at about 7.0-7.5 pH level, which is too high so I picked up some pH down at Wal-mart (pool section) for $6. The bottle will last me forever as I only have to put about 1/10th of a tbsp in a 1gal jug to equal it out.

Wow. Im impressed with myself. Im pretty sure this is my first helpful post ever. Normally I am always asking questions haha. I guess a few weeks on these boards will teach you a couple things. Or so I hope I was helpful. Also by far my longest post. =D

Good luck to ya!

Oh, and be sure that you will be able to maintain a 70-75degree temp inside box with lights on.
Thanks for the link to our pH strips. However, we sold that domain 3 years ago. So, if you don't mind my saying so, you can now find them at: Indigo pH test strips.
Spamming and necroing is in bad taste, some people will actively avoid your product now!
Otherwise, they are supporting more spam and necroing in the future.
It's not all indigo's fault though, could be resolved by rollitup by locking threads over 4 years old.