Attention All Pepper Growers!


Well-Known Member
i dunno if i should start adding nutes to my peppers. it my first time growing these things and i dont even know what kind of nutes to use. would fox farm grow big work for now. they are probably a month to a month and a half old. i dunno i didnt keep track. but i did notice my jalepeno peppers leaves are starting to turn pale green and curl under. my serrano peppers leaves are still pretty dark green though.

thanks anyone who helps.


Active Member
I've never really needed to use ANY ferts for pepper plants, if grown in soil. If you are hydro go for it, a month old is about the time to start adding ferts at a diluted amount.

If you are growing in soil and the leaves are turning yellow and curling, it could easily be overwatering. Is that a possibility?


Well-Known Member
yeah im in soil... i dunno cuz when i was in cali for 9 days my sister watered them and she watered them everyday now when i got back i waterted them once every 2 or 3 days. maybe im just wtaering too much when i do water


Active Member

Don't go by a time table. Don't water once a day, or once every two days, or whatever.

Stick your finger into the soil. If it's dry, then water. If there is some moisture there, wait a day or two.

When it needs watering, pick up the pot. Feel the weight of it, see how light it feels. Then water it, and feel the weight after watering it.

You will eventually get used to the feeling of a dry pot, so you can pick it up and tell if it needs watering.

Usually what I do (the lazy man's way) is to just wait till the plant starts to droop a little bit. When you flick one of the leaves and it just sags there, instead of having it's perky nature self like it normally does, that means it needs water. If you don't catch it right away, a plant will usually wilt for about two or three days before it dies, so if you are around the plant alot you can tell it needs water before it's too late.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip... watering is one of the thinks i am always nervous doing. i dont have a problem pruning, fiming, transplanting, harvesting... nothing. just plain ole watering still makes me nervous lol cuz i have killed them before and i dont wanna do it again.


Well-Known Member
lemme guess, youve got a rat burried in yout dirt too?

dont piss on your plants. piss supplies small traces of N when PROPERLY diluted but do you really want to piss on something your gonna eat or smoke?
what load of bull,piss contains high amounts of urea/nitrogen also likely to contain all the minerals a plant needs and most of the trace elements,all of it totally broken down and immediately bio-avaliable for the plant to use,also good bacteria that help to balance the floraculture in the soil, what do you think ferts are made of buddy?lol air? half an hour from my house there are two fert mines 1 is ammonium nitrate mine otherwise known as urea,aka,petrified dino piss and crap, the other 1 is a phosphate mine,aka stuff scraped of f a poisonous steam vent of a volcano. They also get ferts from the meat works here i.e blood'n'bone,bone meal,and they collect the crap that comes out of the cows intestines, compost an potting mix of most generic brands is made at the landfill after grading the greenwaste


Well-Known Member
dont bother pissin on your peppers howeva,i grow em every year and the seem to love crap soil and no nutes and i basically dont water em unless its a drought or they start to die,if you give them nitrogen fert they do grow faster but you end up with hardly any peppers,the yellowing leaves you got is bound to be too much water


Well-Known Member
^^^looks like ill stop watering them so much :)

lemme guess, youve got a rat burried in yout dirt too?

dont piss on your plants. piss supplies small traces of N when PROPERLY diluted but do you really want to piss on something your gonna eat or smoke?

hahaha i read that outrageous thread... pretty funny.

how long before i see peppers. ive read on pepper growing sites that they take a pretty long time to grow


Well-Known Member
what load of bull,piss contains high amounts of urea/nitrogen also likely to contain all the minerals a plant needs and most of the trace elements,all of it totally broken down and immediately bio-avaliable for the plant to use,also good bacteria that help to balance the floraculture in the soil, what do you think ferts are made of buddy?lol air? half an hour from my house there are two fert mines 1 is ammonium nitrate mine otherwise known as urea,aka,petrified dino piss and crap, the other 1 is a phosphate mine,aka stuff scraped of f a poisonous steam vent of a volcano. They also get ferts from the meat works here i.e blood'n'bone,bone meal,and they collect the crap that comes out of the cows intestines, compost an potting mix of most generic brands is made at the landfill after grading the greenwaste
with what most people eat and drink these days, fuck that.

but go ahead and piss on your plants, im not smoking the shit.


Well-Known Member
i dont piss on em i piss around em when in veg,other than that i only use homegrown compost and homemade bonemeal in flower


Well-Known Member
i dont think ill be pissing on my plants or around.... considering they are growing in my closet lol.

i have some fish emulsion from last year. could i use thart. not exaxctly sure what to use it for


Well-Known Member
^^^looks like ill stop watering them so much :)

hahaha i read that outrageous thread... pretty funny.

how long before i see peppers. ive read on pepper growing sites that they take a pretty long time to grow
yeah man they take ages,i start em inside and put them out when i think its stopped frosting,its only a few weeks maybe a month till the frosts come again this year and i still dont have any begining to redden,they usually done after a few frosts have been,i just cover em with a sheet and take it off in the mornin, they start to make fruit sone after they flower,but if you dont have many bees around probly best to pollenate them yourself,just pick off a flower and touch it into the centre of all the other flowers


Well-Known Member
yeah buddy,most plants do it that way,because the flowers contain both male and female parts,whereas pot has male and female seperate plants,it only herms if it has to, to produce gives it the advantage of being able to pollenate and cross there genes over a large distance,thats why the females are sticky to catch the pollen,the males dont need to be sticky cause they dont need to catch any pollen .whereas the peppers have there own advantages by using bugs to pollinate itself and containing the seeds in a pepper it has a chance to spread its seeds over a large distance in the crap of animals


Well-Known Member
maybe you should enlighten us on what you do use?
im actually currently experimenting with using the "spent" nutrient solution from my reserviors on my veggies. i change them out every 2 weeks then i sterilize it with h2o2, adjust with water to about 600ppm, and use it on my eats.

the juice i start out with is mostly a generic chem 3-part, i use FF big bloom with my bloom nute and a 0-4-0 booster, i use humic and fulvic, hygrozyme, a powdered silica, and mollasses. i use mycho too but that gets killed by the h2o2 before it goes into the garden, it has its own microbeasties.

but no human peepee. i realize what the majority of ferts are made from, but NONE are made from human waste. they are mostly made from organic waste sources. the dino-doo you speak of was produced by dinos who didnt eat monosodium glutimate, MSG, or any of the 1000's of other aweful thing we ingest. they ate plants or dinos who ate plants...they didnt live in a world polluted beyond repair. that was a poor arguement.