Attention: Azdhs recommendations of changes to the amma!!!

try telling that to the state. As ludicrous as it is thats the way the law is written here go look it up on dhs website. I wouldn't spread misinformation or talk out of my ass this much if i wasn't 9,000,000,000% sure thats the case i just don't want to see anyone get arrested because they were provided with false information. I don't need to lie on the computer to make myself feel good.

useable marijuana is not for growing get off that fucking paragraph of the law jesus chirst
LOL that's all I have to say about that.. Done with this subject.

You're an idiot. your reading the law alright but the wrong section. You're in the section that cover useable marijuana not cultivating. Are you even going to check to see if I'm right or are you caught up in not wanting some dumb slut be right over you? I have never been so certain of this and you're just being opulent and stubborn. Don't you even care if you sound like an idiot?
It is too nice a day for paranoia and name calling.

It sems to me that if anyone is growing for someone other than himself, he should already have these answers already in hand from the lawyer he already has on retainer.

Really, it is [ill advised] to trust legal interpretations from a chat board.

Staying completely legal is yours/mine/our best path to being able to enjoy this God given plant the rest.of our peace.
It is too nice a day for paranoia and name calling.

It sems to me that if anyone is growing for someone other than himself, he should already have these answers already in hand from the lawyer the already has on retainer.

Really, it is [ill advised] to trust legal interpretations from a chat board.
Now this is sound advice.
You're an idiot. your reading the law alright but the wrong section. You're in the section that cover useable marijuana not cultivating. Are you even going to check to see if I'm right or are you caught up in not wanting some dumb slut be right over you? I have never been so certain of this and you're just being opulent and stubborn. Don't you even care if you sound like an idiot?

Are you sure you know what that word means???? "Dont you even care if you sound like an idiot?" is now a VERY ironic statement.....


[TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
  1. Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish.
  2. Wealthy.
[TR="bgcolor: #ddd"]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD]rich - wealthy - affluent - abundant - plentiful[/TD]
this is EXACTLY why I dislike this site....tooo much BS
you people are quarreling, and name calling and acting like a bunch of children all the time
Hÿdra;8243702 said:
Are you sure you know what that word means???? "Dont you even care if you sound like an idiot?" is now a VERY ironic st

[TABLE="class: ts"]
[TABLE="class: ts"]

  1. Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish.
  2. Wealthy.
[TR="bgcolor: #DDDDDD"]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD]rich - wealthy - affluent - abundant - plentiful

I just assumed she meant obstinate.
We finally get a seemingly attractive, intelligent, yet somewhat snarky female on our message board and you guys want to chase her away based on a type-o? She makes some good points about how the law might be interpreted with regard to usable quantities - for once let’s keep this discussion on point and productive.
I'm all for female growers, female's in the industry period. With that being said, you can't come on here and attack people. Instead you should try to enlighten people with information after all that's what were all about. Plus you need more post than rep (weird) to talk shit..Now take a hit of this shit...:bigjoint: oh yea !
What makes you so sure he is a she?

If you simply do a search for many of these asked questions you would find it has been answered 20 times...

How about AzDHS's recommendation?

Good or Bad?

IMO the more an institute get involved the more both parties become reliant on each other. do you want to become reliant on the AzDHS to not get arrested? I don't. My medical condition is none of their F%@#ing business. If they want to hustle patients/caregiver for ID cards fine but these recommendation are corrupt...

Keep in mind AzDHS issues ID cards to patients/caregivers but where their real visioned task is running dispensaries... Control the supply and you control the demand. Yes there is other mean in which a patient/caregiver can acquire meds but I am speaking solo about the dispensaries. Further, if you control the supply and demand you control the prices which leads me to taxes. After having complete control of the supply, demand and now the taxes; the next thing to do is to control arrests. Folks not following the dispensary model have been getting popped since day 1... It will be alot worst when dispensaries open....

Talk about a conflict of interest... The AzDHS, Police, Lawyers, Judges and dispensaries all work for the State... Licensed by the State... See where I am going... Pay attention folks.
I was just pointing out that obnoxious assholes shouldn't throw stones if they live in glass houses.

But aside from that hilarious point.

Females growers are great, accept MMJ seems to be an industry that VERY READILY supports stupid hot girls rather than intelligent competent people of ANY SEX.
If you are hot, and can say that words, sativa, indica and hybrid and use a are now a highly qualified bud tender in 99% of places in the world. Idiots that use big words when they dont know the meaning, and try to speak intelligently about Cannabis when they are basically retarded in all things accept hair and nail maintenance, should just keep quiet. We dont need stupid people trying to be the vanguard of MMJ.

I dont give flying FUCK what the sex of the person is..... i want kind, courteous and knowledgeable people to be in the MMJ industry. not more big mouthed know-it-alls that dont know shit.
I agree with you. In addition I see these recommendations as a way to control the demand. Controlling the supply only gives them so much co.trol on the demand a real way of controlling the demand is controlling the patient numbers and the physicians who are writting the certification and theses are the main objectives of all these recommendations. Once dispensaries open they have complete control on the supply, there is so much regulation and red tape around supplying the medicine it borderlines the true definition of socialism which is when the government co.tells the mean of production. Also the governor has already started to fill the medical board granting physicians state certification to practise with her cronies. So the state controls the supply with the over regulated dispensaries which must be sanctioned by the state to begin with. Now they are attempting to control demand by restricting qualifying conditions, harassing and threatening doctors and certification centers and even proposing studies with the objective of finding negative effects to discredit the whole legitimacy of marijuana as medicine.

Now on to the law enforcement aspect of this all which is really the driving factor for this entire state let alone the amma. See this state is run and controlled by the private prison industry. These are facts not conjecture. Almost all of our state penal institutions are run and contracted through for profit companies. That means the companies are making money for every criminal that is processed into one of their institutions and the tax payer pays the bill. This is only the half of it the corruption at the state level goes all the way to the governors office. See she has an advisor whom was on one of the boards of these private prison companies. See since medical marijuana, arrests have plummeted I this state and so have incarcerations yet they tend to lag as their nature behind arrest rates. So now these companies are freaking out because they are forecasting losses from a decrease in incarcerations. So they go to the governor whom they have given much money to and they say look what the fuck this law is eating into our bottom line. The governor then whistles for her little dog will humble to do her bidding and know under the guise of making our state safer and other bullshit reasons they are attempting to sideline this law so only a very very few would have access to its protection. Wake up people you think that these republicans are about small government and states rights, they have been taking the electorate of this state for a ride fueled by hate and fear of change and the other while they persecute and incarcerate the poor, uneducated and minorities in this state and then make the tax payers foot the b all the while making the private prison industry millions. This is about money and the money is about locking people up. Oh and btw who do you think is contracted to run the detention ceneters where undocumented immigrants are detained with no rights or due process. No matter what your opinion on immigration, no onesbohld be profitting from deporting or detaining people but thats another thread so let's stay on topic.
I agree with you. In addition I see these recommendations as a way to control the demand. Controlling the supply only gives them so much co.trol on the demand a real way of controlling the demand is controlling the patient numbers and the physicians who are writting the certification and theses are the main objectives of all these recommendations. Once dispensaries open they have complete control on the supply, there is so much regulation and red tape around supplying the medicine it borderlines the true definition of socialism which is when the government co.tells the mean of production. Also the governor has already started to fill the medical board granting physicians state certification to practise with her cronies. So the state controls the supply with the over regulated dispensaries which must be sanctioned by the state to begin with. Now they are attempting to control demand by restricting qualifying conditions, harassing and threatening doctors and certification centers and even proposing studies with the objective of finding negative effects to discredit the whole legitimacy of marijuana as medicine.

Now on to the law enforcement aspect of this all which is really the driving factor for this entire state let alone the amma. See this state is run and controlled by the private prison industry. These are facts not conjecture. Almost all of our state penal institutions are run and contracted through for profit companies. That means the companies are making money for every criminal that is processed into one of their institutions and the tax payer pays the bill. This is only the half of it the corruption at the state level goes all the way to the governors office. See she has an advisor whom was on one of the boards of these private prison companies. See since medical marijuana, arrests have plummeted I this state and so have incarcerations yet they tend to lag as their nature behind arrest rates. So now these companies are freaking out because they are forecasting losses from a decrease in incarcerations. So they go to the governor whom they have given much money to and they say look what the fuck this law is eating into our bottom line. The governor then whistles for her little dog will humble to do her bidding and know under the guise of making our state safer and other bullshit reasons they are attempting to sideline this law so only a very very few would have access to its protection. Wake up people you think that these republicans are about small government and states rights, they have been taking the electorate of this state for a ride fueled by hate and fear of change and the other while they persecute and incarcerate the poor, uneducated and minorities in this state and then make the tax payers foot the b all the while making the private prison industry millions. This is about money and the money is about locking people up. Oh and btw who do you think is contracted to run the detention ceneters where undocumented immigrants are detained with no rights or due process. No matter what your opinion on immigration, no onesbohld be profitting from deporting or detaining people but thats another thread so let's stay on topic.

Absolutely... I was only talking about 1 issue. The combined issues are to worry about for sure!

Much of this dialogue needs to be at the eyes of the Director of AzDHS... I am sure alot of his opinions and feedback is coming from future dispensary Directors or Board members.