Attention my OHIO brothers and sisters!!!

MY OHIO FRIENDS!!! GET OUT AND VOTE THIS NOVEMBER 3rd 2015!! LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN OHIO!!! The voting will take place THIS November 3rd, not the 2016 Primary. Make sure to vote YES on Issue 3 for Legalization, and vote NO on Issue 2, we MUST vote NO on issue 2!! it is SO IMPORTANT to vote NO on issue 2. Issue 2 will block legalization even if its passed!!! Make sure you are registered to vote this November! Contact your counties Board of Elections to see if you are registered to vote this November. Remember, we are voting THIS YEAR, NOVEMBER 2015 do not get confused and think this is for the November 2016.

I have been a chronic pain patient for 24 yesrs.. With 17 different arthritis and fibromyalgia and so on. Marijuana helps me. In my wonderful Dr don't say nothin to me about it that one time. I don't abuse it I use it when my nerve pain is so bad I wanna die. I will be there November 3rd walk in a crawl in but yes. Thank you everybody that votes. Victoria
I am a 24 year chronic pain patients. With 17 different arthritis and fibromyalgia and so on. Marijuana helps me. In my wonderful Dr don't say nothin to me about it that one time. I don't abuse it I use it when my nerve pain is so bad I wanna die. I will be there November 3rd walk in a crawl in but yes. Thank you everybody that votes. Victoria
I lived in Colorado 13 .years from the sixties to the seventies. And I'm going to go back home.I am Cherokee Indian and proud. coming home Colorado
If you get it,it will help strengthen the call for national,nothing about this is going to please everyone,and I'm sure their will be a lot of things to work out.Best of Luck to ya Ohio.
Not a good solution. Once passed, it's hard to broaden mmj laws. Here in Colorado, the trend has consistently been towards MORE regulation, restriction and control.

That is true for anything. The politicians always screw things up.
At least we can grow.

I can legally possess as much weed as I want as long as the state can not prove I did not grow it.
I probably have 10 ounces downstairs and a bunch of crap that IO am going to make oil out of.

That is much, much, much, much, much, much better than getting a felony for cultivation and possession.
That is true for anything. The politicians always screw things up.
At least we can grow.

I can legally possess as much weed as I want as long as the state can not prove I did not grow it.
I probably have 10 ounces downstairs and a bunch of crap that IO am going to make oil out of.

That is much, much, much, much, much, much better than getting a felony for cultivation and possession.

Yes, BUT;

the REAL crime is making growing weed a felony in the first place, just so it doesn't go unsaid!
and I was able to "come out" to my friends.

"You mean you grew that NYC Diesel?
Holy fuck, why didn't you tell me before?"

Because it was a felony then.
I have been a chronic pain patient for 24 yesrs.. With 17 different pain problems and 4 diff arthritis and fibromyalgia and so on. Marijuana helps me. In my wonderful Dr don't say nothin to me about it that one time. I don't abuse it I use it when my nerve pain is so bad I wanna die. I will be there November 3rd walk in a crawl in but yes. Thank you everybody that votes. Victoria
I have friends and family in Ohio and none of them are voting for this amendment yet nearly all of them are pro legalization. No one likes the cartel/oligarchy/monopoly aspect of issue 3.

And the 4 flowering plants aspect of this bill is pretty much their way of throwing the citizens of Ohio table scraps in effort to get their oligarchy measure passed. And don't kid yourself, if this passes there will still be people being hauled off to jail because their 4 plants yielded more than the 8 ounce yield limit. All in the name of eliminating the monopoly's competition.

The sentiment among the Ohioans that I know is that they're waiting for the more free market legalization effort by Ohioans To End Prohibition (OTEP).
I think you have to vote no on 2 and yes on 3, I agree it's not perfect but it is a step in the right direction. As long as everyone votes no on 2, we can change 3 next year but i think we should vote yes to help those that need meds and to keep people from going to jail and/or ruining their lives because they burn one or grow a plant.
I think you have to vote no on 2 and yes on 3, I agree it's not perfect but it is a step in the right direction. As long as everyone votes no on 2, we can change 3 next year but i think we should vote yes to help those that need meds and to keep people from going to jail and/or ruining their lives because they burn one or grow a plant.

Don't kid yourself, if issue 3 passes it will be extremely hard to 'change'. It will likely take a similar effort as to what it took for issue 3 to get where it is today and that's just not going to happen.

If you're concerned about sick people getting their 'meds' then you should know that only 1 out of the 10 facilities is slated to grow 'medical' pot. And we all know that the highest quality pot cannot be grown on the scale that ResponsibleOhio is talking with their 10 mega farms.

Lastly, no one is going to jail for simple possession. Ohio is already decriminalized. People do go to jail for growing but those same black market growers would still go to jail under Issue 3.
Don't kid yourself, if issue 3 passes it will be extremely hard to 'change'. It will likely take a similar effort as to what it took for issue 3 to get where it is today and that's just not going to happen.

I agree there are many better proposals than RO, there's OTEP, ROC and others..... but as you say, for any of these others to pass it is going to take a similar effort. In the mean time, RO will stop people from losing their license over possession of a joint, will stop police from the "I smell marijuana search", will allow you to grow your own plants. I have said from the beginning that this is the worst proposal of them all but do you wait for the perfect proposal to come along or do you take what you can get and then try to build on that. To me, voting against it is like wanting a new car and not being able too afford it, so instead of buying something to get you by till you can afford what you want, you wait and walk everywhere.....what happens if you can never afford it? I don't know, just my opinion homebrewer.
I agree there are many better proposals than RO, there's OTEP, ROC and others..... but as you say, for any of these others to pass it is going to take a similar effort. In the mean time, RO will stop people from losing their license over possession of a joint, will stop police from the "I smell marijuana search", will allow you to grow your own plants. I have said from the beginning that this is the worst proposal of them all but do you wait for the perfect proposal to come along or do you take what you can get and then try to build on that. To me, voting against it is like wanting a new car and not being able too afford it, so instead of buying something to get you by till you can afford what you want, you wait and walk everywhere.....what happens if you can never afford it? I don't know, just my opinion homebrewer.

First off, I respect the fact that we can have differing opinions on this but understand that very, very few are losing their license over the possession of a joint ( If one is driving with a joint then they deserve to have their license taken away.

Secondly, home growers under issue 3 will need a license at $50/year and you best believe some of those growers will be inspected for compliance. How is that any better than an 'I smell marijuana search'. What makes you think the police still couldn't search your place or your car if they smelled weed?

What bugs me about issue 3 is that ResponsibleOhio could have written a mega-farm legalization bill making it an open market but instead they decided cut the citizens of Ohio out and reward the investors with the exclusive cultivation rights for your entire state. If issue 3 passes, you'll never be able to break into the cannabis industry unless something else passes to repeal it. Pass now, build on it later is wishful thinking and not at all realistic. After all, this is an amendment to your state's constitution.

So you're ok with handing over a billion dollar market to a select wealthy few just because it will make things just a little easier on people who weren't being very careful to being with? Come on, who gets busted with a joint?