Attention People Who DEBATE Over Religion.


Well-Known Member
And there is a HUGE difference between me, a non believer, and you a believer. You are going to go through life explaining everything that happens by just saying oh, i't was the will of God while I will not. I will think rationally about things that happen and apply those thinkings to my life, making me more intelligent, rational, and understanding than you.


Well-Known Member
Every religion no matter what it is all preaches the same thing. Love your fellow man and only do good things. But every religion without exception has blood on its hands. A couple of months ago I was talking to a fellow co worker about religion. He deep down believed that unless you except Jesus in your heart you will not go to heaven. Even if you were the best person in the world. This guy was trying so hard to get me to go to his church. This guy believed every word in the bible and took it as the undisputed truth. Talk about being brainwashed. If your in to religion and god or even if your not i dont care more power to you. But people should always question things its what makes us human. To just blindly follow gospel is so ignorant.
Every religion does not preach to love your fellow man and only do good things. In fact, only a small amount of religions preach anything close to that. Most religions, such as muslim or mormanism (there are many more examples) preach to only love those who are of the same religion and to seperate your self from or kill all others.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, the Popemobile has 3 inch thick bullet-proof glass. There's fucking faith for you.

Did you know, if you rearrange the letters in 'religion' it spells 'ngoiilre'? Yeah, still makes absolutely fuck all sense.

Religion: We've all had imaginary friends. I have just grown out of mine


Well-Known Member
But the bible only has a few of the 40 or so gospils. chosen by man to rule man. Sorry the book is incomplet at best.


Well-Known Member
But the bible only has a few of the 40 or so gospils. chosen by man to rule man. Sorry the book is incomplet at best.
Yes. The reason that so many other books are left out are because many of them contradict the others that were chosen to be put into the bible. Have you ever heard of the book of Enoch (the great grandfather of Noah)? If you ever get a chance to read it you will probably come up with the theory (as many, many scientists and archeologists have when they have read the book of Enoch) that so called "Jesus" and the angels were extraterrestrial who came down and taught us how to do things. In one part of the book of Enoch (there are other parts that are just as crazy) (Also the book of Enoch is charrished by more than just christianity which the other books in and out of the bible cannot say for themselves) Enoch describes in detail how angels came down to Earth and took him up into the stars with them. He was there for over 300 years. While he was there different angels taught him thins. The subjects were Astronomy, Mathematics, Language, and some other scholarly stuff. He then came back and shared his knowlege with mankind and wrote a book about it. Hmm, funny how that one never made it into the bible. He also describes in depth what it was like when the Angels were leaving from earth and my opinion? He describes a rocket ship taking off. He even describes the sound the contraption makes and the wind that it produces. If I read you the book of Enoch before you heard of the bible, NO DOUBT you would think that aliens played a big role in the beginning of mankind.


Active Member
And there is a HUGE difference between me, a non believer, and you a believer. You are going to go through life explaining everything that happens by just saying oh, i't was the will of God while I will not. I will think rationally about things that happen and apply those thinkings to my life, making me more intelligent, rational, and understanding than you.
Dude, my EXACT thoughts on this. Very nice. If people would just THINK and use reason all of the time we'd have a lot less problems in the world...


New Member
i don't care for religion....MY "religion" is what's real to me- my orgasms, my experiences, my highs, my lows...finding beauty in the natural world and letting the natural world tell me (in little ways) that i'm human (a complex animal) is a great "tool" for helping me to cope with whatever i'm facing...cuz it relieves a burden for me by diminishing my sense of ego as a "sophisticated human being"

i see this perspective as shamanism...which I've never thought of as a religion, but call it what you will

pride, well-being and a dash or more of soul is the "religion" my life centers gods, no complex scriptures or stories...just me (man) and the world (elements)

oh and i wouldn't call myself an athiest...

agnostic might fit better


New Member
george carlin once did a segment on religion (well, he did many)..
but during a specific schpeil about religion/worship, he said he worships the sun. It has credibility cuz he can SEE it every day...and it's perhaps the most essential and thus hopeful element

if religion IS used by many as a coping mechanism/tool....then why not worship the sun- it'll always be there for you, providing life for all ecosystems to balance one another...and i think we're safe to say that for many ppl, the weather outside has an impact on your mood and essence- your soul

only years later did i really become interested in shamanism....again, u may call it a religion...fine by me


Well-Known Member
Dude, wtf?

The toothfairy is totally real!

How else do you explain the dollar under my pillow every time I lose a tooth?

Proof of the toothfairy's existence!


Well-Known Member
Yes. The reason that so many other books are left out are because many of them contradict the others that were chosen to be put into the bible. Have you ever heard of the book of Enoch (the great grandfather of Noah)? If you ever get a chance to read it you will probably come up with the theory (as many, many scientists and archeologists have when they have read the book of Enoch) that so called "Jesus" and the angels were extraterrestrial who came down and taught us how to do things. In one part of the book of Enoch (there are other parts that are just as crazy) (Also the book of Enoch is charrished by more than just christianity which the other books in and out of the bible cannot say for themselves) Enoch describes in detail how angels came down to Earth and took him up into the stars with them. He was there for over 300 years. While he was there different angels taught him thins. The subjects were Astronomy, Mathematics, Language, and some other scholarly stuff. He then came back and shared his knowlege with mankind and wrote a book about it. Hmm, funny how that one never made it into the bible. He also describes in depth what it was like when the Angels were leaving from earth and my opinion? He describes a rocket ship taking off. He even describes the sound the contraption makes and the wind that it produces. If I read you the book of Enoch before you heard of the bible, NO DOUBT you would think that aliens played a big role in the beginning of mankind.
you are definatley right about the book of enoch, the idea of ets are in the bible too, talking about the sons of god taking the daughters of men, and gaints who fell, the nephilim, i think the individual names like adonai, jehovah, yahweh were probably just ets that chose a group of people to carry out their plans here on earth. the group that was chosen interbred with these ets, making the breeds feel superior to other people, and they kept the bloodline within family until this day, where they continue to carry out the agenda, and fulfilling their own prophecies. this long conditioning influenced by the ets who influence thier bloodlines, their kings and queens of the earth who used religion and strict laws to control the people. and if you check out zecheria sitchins book the end of days, he talks about how the places like the dome of the rock and other "holy" places where landing places or like bases way back when. and that these areas must be controlled for when "they" come back. its a war of the gods with diferent earth influences battling either for earths enslavement, or for the liberation of earth. it comes down to self responsibilty as the message seems to be from the good side. telling us no one will save us, we need to take the initiative. humans need to stand up. this could be a great movie series once its all over. theres the story that no religion will tell you haha that this is all a big sick game, of manipulation, remember we left eden we fell from grace. we are all connected to consciousness which is us the soul. we live lives to evolve and add wisdom and experience to our souls. were trying to remember, and were being held back. and i just typed way too much this og kush is quite something i hope i didnt kill it, but glad sogfarmer mentioned enoch


New Member
just reading all this makes me think of how irrational, ungoverned, irresponsibile to keep ourselves self-controlled we are. we don't need anymore restraints on the human kind as it is. religion and anti religion is causing these restraint from, once again, being to irresponsible to keep ourselves self-controlled. the war has already started and it will never end until the end has come.
when people think of the apocalypse, they think of it in the wrong way. notice the GPI of Sweden, Denmark, Japan, Czech Re., and finland. then notice the GPI of Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Sudan, Israel. the lower GPi being atheist countries and higher GPI being non-theist countries. how long untill the next world war starts, and will it be the end of human kind? its going to be soon and once all hell is released no one will be safe. think of this point of death and everyone better hope it changes. this world cant last much longer in the condition it is being ran at now. the end is upon us and in our hands.


Well-Known Member
just reading all this makes me think of how irrational, ungoverned, irresponsibile to keep ourselves self-controlled we are. we don't need anymore restraints on the human kind as it is. religion and anti religion is causing these restraint from, once again, being to irresponsible to keep ourselves self-controlled. the war has already started and it will never end until the end has come.
when people think of the apocalypse, they think of it in the wrong way. notice the GPI of Sweden, Denmark, Japan, Czech Re., and finland. then notice the GPI of Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Sudan, Israel. the lower GPi being atheist countries and higher GPI being non-theist countries. how long untill the next world war starts, and will it be the end of human kind? its going to be soon and once all hell is released no one will be safe. think of this point of death and everyone better hope it changes. this world cant last much longer in the condition it is being ran at now. the end is upon us and in our hands.

I disagree with your conclusion that the end will come soon. I think we're in the middle of a change in peoples perception about how we view things like religion, war, government, politics, etc. Not everyone, not the majority, but enough people to start the change can see things for what they really are.


New Member

I disagree with your conclusion that the end will come soon. I think we're in the middle of a change in peoples perception about how we view things like religion, war, government, politics, etc. Not everyone, not the majority, but enough people to start the change can see things for what they really are.
without having to use google, can you even tell me what a countries GPI is? not trying to start another fight over religion just asking. it shows that what i am saying is true just by watching this thread. the religious and anti religious fight a lot, now imagine the people on this thread as different countries. give those countries soldiers, nuclear bombs, weapons, and other allies countries(people who fight for no reason just based on what they don't know instead of what they do know).what is your conclusion?


Well-Known Member
The Chinese have a word that means both danger and opportunity.
the english equivanlent of that word is crisis


Well-Known Member
I think we're in the middle of a change in peoples perception about how we view things like religion, war, government, politics, etc. Not everyone, not the majority, but enough people to start the change can see things for what they really are.
i imagine that people were making the same sort of silly statements a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago and on and on. of course people's perceptions are changing, they have always been changing and will continue to until the species stagnates and dies. there is no tipping point in sight, no point at which the unwashed masses will cease to need the comforts of superstition or where they will be able to avoid the unscrupulous who will organize those superstitions into a means of control and profit. the religions of today may die out over the next thousand years or so, but they will undoubtedly be replaced by equally vapid superstitions. there will arise equally corrupt leaders to take advantage of the ignorance of the masses and the entire cycle will continue as it always has.

if you are capable of serious self-analysis, i think you'll find you aren't quite as smart as you think you are. scientific inquiry provides us with small answers, bright ideas and ever deeper questions. it doesn't provide us with those ultimate answers that plague us all. it provides no insight into the source of our morality or our reason for existence and it never will. these things cannot be quantified, if they even exist, they can hardly even be explored. life is a messy business and the sterility of science will never explain it all away.


Active Member
The gov't and religion will make sure that we as a whole will never come together and unify as a people. They will make the majority of human population believe in unity one day, but it will be false and actually be worldwide control over us.


Well-Known Member
without having to use google, can you even tell me what a countries GPI is? not trying to start another fight over religion just asking. it shows that what i am saying is true just by watching this thread. the religious and anti religious fight a lot, now imagine the people on this thread as different countries. give those countries soldiers, nuclear bombs, weapons, and other allies countries(people who fight for no reason just based on what they don't know instead of what they do know).what is your conclusion?
I'm talking about the pawns. You, me, people like us. Being an atheist doesn't guarantee anything, but believing in any organized religion does. 14% says a lot, and that number rises every year.

You ever hear some self righteous Christian soldier say "there's no atheists in fox holes.."? You wanna know the real reason why that statement is true?

An atheist is smart enough not to join such a corrupt Christian gang in the first fuckin' place. :o

i imagine that people were making the same sort of silly statements a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago and on and on. of course people's perceptions are changing, they have always been changing and will continue to until the species stagnates and dies. there is no tipping point in sight, no point at which the unwashed masses will cease to need the comforts of superstition or where they will be able to avoid the unscrupulous who will organize those superstitions into a means of control and profit. the religions of today may die out over the next thousand years or so, but they will undoubtedly be replaced by equally vapid superstitions. there will arise equally corrupt leaders to take advantage of the ignorance of the masses and the entire cycle will continue as it always has.
Are you telling me you think no progress has been made in the last 10,000 years?

Look at our species then and look at it now. How did we get from there to here? It's undeniably better in virtually every aspect of life today than it was at almost any other time in the past, that's progress is it not?

if you are capable of serious self-analysis, i think you'll find you aren't quite as smart as you think you are. scientific inquiry provides us with small answers, bright ideas and ever deeper questions. it doesn't provide us with those ultimate answers that plague us all. it provides no insight into the source of our morality or our reason for existence and it never will. these things cannot be quantified, if they even exist, they can hardly even be explored. life is a messy business and the sterility of science will never explain it all away.
You'd have to get a little more specific about what you mean by "those ultimate answers that plague us all" because I'd argue science actively works on answering some of the biggest, most important questions I personally have.

It isn't the job of science to tell someone what is moral or why. What's next, we start holding soccer accountable for not having enough stolen bases?? Silly analogy, but you get the point. You can't hold science accountable for something you think it should answer when it isn't capable in the first place. Human morality and it's origins can be explored by looking into the past at our ancestors and things like altruism, but to understand such things you must accept the theory of evolution, so someone peeking in with a believers perspective already has conflict with the whole idea.

Well, when you come up with a better tool to discover our existence, let me know. Till then, I think I'll still with the sterility that's saved millions of lives over the course of it's run.

The gov't and religion will make sure that we as a whole will never come together and unify as a people. They will make the majority of human population believe in unity one day, but it will be false and actually be worldwide control over us.
...and that is the problem.

You guys sound like that's it, we've already lost, nothing is even worth pursuing anymore because we'll never win anyway.

That mentality is the problem.