
Well-Known Member
100_3466.jpg100_3467.jpg100_3468.jpg100_3470.jpgmade my first order last month.package had been lightly damaged so some smaller things were damaged.i called attit100_3465.jpgude--they were great.i made my oct order---<Monthly from now on>and they replaced all dammaged with a tin to store seed is my new stuff.100_3463.jpg

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
When did you make your monthly order, before the G13 promo? Just wondering, waiting for my order right now. I thought about that tin, but I was just thinking having that metal box in the package would put it more on the radar.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
ALWAYS order on the 1st 3 day continuous weekend of the month for the most freebies. i only order if they have gear that up and/or trippy. don't forget the 420 code either for something like 10% or 15% off your final order. they have great variety & prices and all of the freebies are great at drawing biz i'm sure. that's why i buy most of my gear there now even if it takes about 3 weeks every time. no biggie though... worth it for the fun of trying a bunch of new stuff out.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I love the tude, i get my seeds in one week, always appreciate their giveaways and ufo's, it actually keeps me growing some new strains.


Active Member
I always order with the tin just so it doesnt get crushed. That sweet of a package has to go through alot of hands but on the other hand your right about the xrays and shit that it has to go through.


Well-Known Member
XRays are important vitamin waves that are around us anytime we go outside. Yes they microwave every single packaged because it is extremely wasteful of energy and the united states government would approve. Give all your politicians a round of applause for proposing the propagation of vitamin X.

no one said anything about xrays does usps xray every single box?


Well-Known Member
i would think not---i dont order tin however i got 1 anyway----how about my 2 orders----10 lr#2----dinafem deisel--blue venom fem--wappa fem--easy ryder fem-cronic ryder fem--deisel ryder fem--northern lights fem--nubella fem-royal dwarf fem got yesterday----will get tomorrow hipnotic fem---sour ak fem-sour candy fem--auto ak fem---purple haze fem--pinapple fem---cronic jack fem--i sould be set for winter and spring--just need a few more toys<lights etc> and ill be set


Well-Known Member
Just got my attitude order this week. Took two weeks door to door. I've received orders in one week. I like the G13 tins. I use them as gift boxes and people always save them too. Oh, I also just got the same t-shirt you got. And their freebies are quality strains. Not junk.

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
I ordered some mazar seeds and typed rollitup in the promo box and saved 10%.
Havnt heard of that discount, shit that sucks for me, only used 420.

And I got Kannabia freebies last time, and let me tell you, they sucked ass!!!!

Just checked my tracking and they arived in my city last night, will go out for delivery tommorow, thats only 7 days, great service!!!!!


call me paranoid or whatever but I dont think its the smartest thing to take an post pictures of how seed orders are sent. I just dont understand the point of picture proof. You can state attitude rocks an your experience without having the pictures.


Active Member
That's just being paranoid. Anybody that cares how seeds are being sent, already knows how seeds are being sent.

I ordered on the 7th, hoping for my order soon, it was a big one.


Well-Known Member
call me paranoid or whatever but I dont think its the smartest thing to take an post pictures of how seed orders are sent. I just dont understand the point of picture proof. You can state attitude rocks an your experience without having the pictures.
Your paranoid


Active Member
Yep I second that paranoid. Plenty of shirts and collector's tins go through customs everyday. Posting pics of the outer packaging or customs declaration, that probably wouldn't be a good thing. I'm wearing that shirt right now, they make good bed shirts bongsmilie

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
You know what does make me paranoid though, we had ordered a hydrofarm fan from amazon, and the fucking package came as is, just a sticker on the box, with a big old picture of the fan and advertisement for filters and other products and Hydro-Farm all over it, I am so pissed right now, I f the ups guy isn't a retard he knows what the fuck is going on and anyone else who's hands that box passed through on its way to my house, now everytime we get a package, which we order and lots of stuff(regular everyday stuff) hes gonna think its more things like the fan. What kind kind of online seller does that?