Kitty I am not going to argue anymore. We are both right to our own minds and everybody else can just pick a side so why bother? But please dont call me an idiot for being a small scale grower and seed buyer. If I have treated you like that I apologize. At the end of the day we are both just trying to smoke so whatever. Peace.
I'm not calling you an idiot, it was a generalization. But, it does apply to your theory because you state just one side of the story that works best for the little argument in your head. Your arguments are strictly made by paying for shipping + guarantee with shirt with the minimum amount of seeds. The ONLY validity your argument has, is if you buy 10 seeds or less.
And you still didnt mention that the shirt, which is part of the guaranteed delivery price you bitched about and saying the package weighs less than an ounce is incorrect. The T-Shirt weighs 5 ounces, so the upcharge pays the additional weight, stealth, and the extra shirt (or a coffee mug).
Seeds + free seeds + 10% off + t-shirt + guaranteed delivery.
So please, continue to raise points, but do so in a fashion that represents the full stasis of an argument, not just the 2% club that buy a very, very, very small order of seeds. Look at the totality of the order.
And, PLEASE *******try******** to provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of an ALTERNATIVE! Dont just hate, INNOVATE and SUGGEST!
At the end of the day, we're both just trying to smoke, but my seeds will cost much less and still nobody has suggested a single alternative that the math works out correctly on..............
(All jokes aside, the real reason I care is because if theres a better deal out there, we all want it! Still, no valid suggestions so far.............. Cheers m8

Winner: Attitude
Current runner up: Nirvana