Attitude Seeds Will NOT Sprout? :(

I removed the dirt from the top to see what was going on. The tap root disconnected from the seed. No more possibilites now :/
Sorry for the double post, but as some people said before, I should use heat during germination?? And is it always safer to wait a little longer during germination when you think its ready
I too seem to have better luck waiting til the tap root is a little longer-- maybe .25 inch. Good luck.
I have a 95% germ rate, by placing them in the natural enviroment, by placing the seed in Moistened dirt, make sure the soil stays moist and warm, and in 3-5 days you will have plants!
i just germed 9 seeds, 3 different strains i bought from attitude and all germed and sprouted. i use a humidity dome with rock wool cubes. first i put seeds in a paper towel and wait for them to open and then put them into rockwool and then put the humidity dome on and use a heat pad. i let them sit in a dark place for a couple days or however long it takes for them to sprout and then i remove the humidty dome and put them under light and go from there.
How long ago did you put the seedlings into soil?
I have had plants that took 5-6 days to peek through the soil...

Patience... The name of the game!
Cool way to create a little seed dome is to wet a paper towel with warm water and fold with seeds inside in a bag...seal the bag..... except for a corner and blow the bag up and seal......put it in a dark place..........just check the bag if it's still blown up your good....if it's not blow it up again......
Good growing
Hey, I'm in Canada, and I just bought 10 regular supposed old school skunk#1 X Afghani from ATTITUDE. I got three freebies plus 5 free on top of the 10. I prefer seeded plants over clones, just my preference, and I don't usually have difficulties germinating seeds, but at $10 to $15 a seed, there can't be any fukin' around. Well, out of the 15 seeds of this alleged old style skunk bud, I have ZERO plants going...only two of the freebies popped, and they're the sickest looking runt fuck seedlings I ever saw...I'm asking for a refund or more seeds or something. I tried everything, I tried soaking the seeds in distilled water...nothing, after a week, nothing, I tried the damp cotton cloth, nothing, I tried the hydrogen peroxide & water to soften up the shell, nothing...I even scuffed them up with 280 grit emery cloth...nothing. I tried freezing them for one night, then into the soil mixture...not much left I can try. Marijuana only got difficult growing since seeds became $10 each. We used to toss hundreds of good healthy seeds in the trash every day and night. WTF happened? Greed always.
Germ them in your medium. Moisten soil, put seed around 1/4 inch below top soil and water again. Takes like 5 days to germ and sprout in dirt. Not sure why everyone continues to germ outside there medium. Germinating in paper towel etc just asks for trouble.
So far just one free Pineapple Express that would not come up. Seed was a bit on the white side so I’m going with , it had nothing to give.
With all the free ones involved , last order averaged 5 bucks Canadian each.
Considering the ounces one of these girls will give it’s at the bottom of the prices for everything else I’ve got.
Sure 25 dollar clones are available , but what fun is that.