Well-Known Member
That is why I order coffee mugs. Wish they were cool mugs. I mostly have Paradise. If I was able to pick the Tshirt or mug out, I would have boxes of unused seeds sitting around. lmao.
Next time I'm gonna request a small size for my girl and see what I get.eff me, i should have started reading the thread from this page instead of the last one as this is the same ? i have been wondering as well.. i always get the biggest size they have as i'm like 6 4 or so and i've gained a few, but i like my shit big anyhoo's..
well, we grow, we smoke and we get the munchies and then eat, lol..You may want to put in the comments just to send you the largest G-13 shirt they have, if any are left. Honestly they just sold over 1000 orders since that promotion. I have 3 orders in that time myself. I don't know how many tshirts they get at a time. From the sounds of this thread maybe big bad mother fuckers like ourselves are the norm among growers. lmao.
this is the only one they've ever sent in any packages with the shirt ive gotten. i have 4 in 4 different sizes lol saving them as Diwali gifts. the messenger bag is a better choice, they've all been different and only 1 of them was lame.has 4 different breeders names, white and green and has a medical mj nurse says medical culture
wtf is diwali ????this is the only one they've ever sent in any packages with the shirt ive gotten. i have 4 in 4 different sizes lol saving them as Diwali gifts. the messenger bag is a better choice, they've all been different and only 1 of them was lame.
i loved the first bag i got.. a really nice size and quality.. it was actually what i'd consider a messaseger bag, but the second one i got was super tiny and pretty much worth fuck all..I should try the bag. I am pretty set on mugs. lol.
LMAO! I really really want to be insulted. But damn if you didn't hit the nail on the head with that one. I requested 2x and they sent me the marilyn monroe shirt as well. haha.
Can anyone confirm whether or not they got a G13 shirt that was x2 or bigger? (Or 1x for that matter. I can wear smaller sizes, But I like my shit kinda baggy)
Ha! Shit! And there you have it us fat fucks have a chance! Let's all swarm them with new orders demanding fat boy shirts! lol.I got my fat bastard 2x G13 shirt on the last order......![]()
Ha! Shit! And there you have it us fat fucks have a chance! Let's all swarm them with new orders demanding fat boy shirts! lol.
On a separate issue since we're all so chatty I've got a question. What exactly about Attitude's "stealth" option makes it "stealth"?
I mean I have ordered several times with stealth and w/o stealth and the only difference is the item I choose to be sent. How it is packaged is exactly the same. You know what i mean. It's just another item in the package, It isn't used at all to stealth anything. I feel like I'm just paying for a non seed souvenir.
I could be more specific about what I'm talking about but the last time I got in depth about stealth shipping I was reprimanded by the mods. =D
Anyway, i was just curious....
Ok, so it isn't just me. I mean, I like the shirts and all but it's just another item added to their packaging there is nothing stealth about it. heh.I always thought the same thing.
Not very stealthy at all.
Not compared to the time i ordered from dutchbreed,Almost threw the beans out the stealth was so good !!!!!