AusPix Lemon Kush! (First Grow)


Hey guys, I've decided to make a journal for my grow!
Been having a great time, and have had so many problems that I've overcome.

Hoping for a great harvest for my first time, hoping to get at least 25grams or so. Would make me happy and if I get more then I'd be extra happy

Its been nearly 4 weeks and my plant is looking okay at the moment, she's been though a fair bit.

At one week she was retarded looking with one side growing faster then the other, and the tips were missing!

The plant was growing pretty fast after the first week, but then slowed! then started growing again, these ones are at 3 weeks old.

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And this is where she is now at nearly 4 weeks, hadn't been watered in a week, hopefully she makes a comeback!

Thanks for reading, sorry if this is poorly written, wasn't very planned out.
But stick around for better growing and a better journal!


Well-Known Member
Lmao...your doing something horribly wrong if its still a seedling after four Weeks..I have couple buddies from Australia and they are good people I feel indebted to them so feel free to add more info and ill pinpoint your problems...I think your first problem is going to be your soil but ya list everything off and ill let you know


Lmao...your doing something horribly wrong if its still a seedling after four Weeks..I have couple buddies from Australia and they are good people I feel indebted to them so feel free to add more info and ill pinpoint your problems...I think your first problem is going to be your soil but ya list everything off and ill let you know
Thanks kermit, and yeah its growing slower then I thought it would.

The temp in my grow room has been around 34 degrees C
Humidity drops down to 25% at time but I try and keep it up as best I can
I accidental used a pretty big pot so most people say its spending more time working on its roots then growing above ground
Here are some pics from today (one of the soil aswell)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Well again first I need more information about your lighting and soil and anything else you can first glance you have a problem with thick soil and probably your lighting is the wrong type or too far away


I have 2 45w 6500k cfls
The soil is all purpose potting mix with a fair bit of vermiculite mixed in

The lights were pretty close, it looked as if the plant didn't like the lights being that close so I moved them back and it looks a bit better now
Showing more signs of nute burn but nothing to major
Im considering giving it a flush?? But I dont want to over water



Well-Known Member
Something seriously stunted it..I would pot it into a gallon pot and do not use the same soil...why would it be burnt their should be no nutes in seedling soil!! Use something with more air, perlite instead of vermiculite..a nice light mix! Your lights need to be about 2 or three inches from the top of the plant, this will not cause any issue as long as your humidity is where it should be around 50 to 55 and you need to make sure to keep seedlings moist


I added nutes because I thought that might help it grow :(
Its also showing early stages of sex now?!
That doesn't sound normal
And the problem with keeping humidity up is that the temp goes up, and then it would give the plant heat stress.
Man I like did so much research and shit and I still suck at growing



Well-Known Member
Lol...its soooo much easier to learn by watching someone than being told how and trying..just try again, you need to have the humidity around 50 percent and the heat under 80...I would just yank it or leave it, but start another next to it either way! With the new one go buy organic potting mix, germinate it, then for a week to two you just keep it moist and lit up nooo nutes that's a big part of your problem here...after that it will be large enough for a new pot and the first one or two Weeks in that pot you don't add nutes either so about three to four Weeks usually before you add any! Buy the general organics go box and follow directions, always leave tap water out at least a day, make sure your cfls say daylight on the what I just said and nothing more and you will have perfect success...use an hps for flowering


Well-Known Member
Its not showing sex its finally trying to grow branches!! I guess don't kill it and start new one but you need to get it out of that hot soil in the cup and into some better stuff