Aussie closet tryhard...


hey there,
been introduced to smoking during my time living in BC, now back home and sick of paying high prices and dealing with sketchy people so decided to give a grow a shot. got some seeds of an unknown variety off a mate, he said they came from decent bud. planted 3 of them in pots in the back yard. started to get worried about growing outdoors in suburbia so brought them inside and set up this really ghetto space in my closet.
running a single 100W CFL and a general household fan i had lying around. they have been under 24hr light in there for about 2 weeks and this is what ive got. planted 3 in the hopes of getting just one female, if theres more than 1 then thats a bonus, ill kill the males when i can tell.
ive got no idea what strain they are. no idea if im giving enough light... i gave them some yates thrive as per the packet instructions, but i noticed some burning on the leaves, so thats when i ventured on here. since i have stopped any fetilizer, about 5 days ago, and just watering when the tops on the soil go dry.
im definately no guru when it comes to this, so just looking for a bit of advice and direction. am i heading down the right track with this? do i have enough light?
im planning on growing til they're about 30-40cm then turning to 12/12. how long will it take for them to reach that height and then how long til you can cut them down?
will probably need help when it comes to finding the sex's too, but i guess ill cross that bridge when it comes!


Active Member
If they turn-out to be Indica, then I would start flowering them at about a month old.
Then It should be about another month or a week or so beyond that when it will be ready for harvesting.
They are still young, but so-far the leaves are looking like indicas to me.
Do alot of reading here to learn when exactly to harvest.
Don't harvest too early. That is a common mistake by beginners.
"Aussie, aussie, aussie, aussie, Oiy! Oiy! Oiy!"


Hey mate I'm from OZ too. What light are you going to flower with? What is the spectrum of your cfl? You got the right kind of idea with your setup you may just have to tweak it a bit too get it dialed. I don't give my plants anything until they are 1 month. Opinions will differ on that but that's what works for me. Soil mix is very important so you should search that on here as there are people a lot more knowledgable than me. Also airflow is important so check that out too. Good luck buddy. Cheers