Aussie Outdoor 08/09


Well-Known Member
stilltokin hows the indoor grows going =P
nah i think aussie customs have bigger things to worry about than finding the 10 or so seeds that might come in with one in every million Cds
Bigger things such as waiting for ~MoE~'s seeds to come in each time haha

leroy2478 looking good mate ! how long they been out for ?
ahh its definantly the most rewarding thing growing weed hey :)
when mine are monsters im going to sleep outside under them haha


Well-Known Member
lol i have brought seeds from nirvana and seedmadness, so fingers crossed for the 6th time, but i have talked to them and they are sure they can do it, so i order a pack of 5 Feminized PPP seeds, a pack of 5 supergirl (Supergirl is a heavy new female skunk strain with great potential for the commercial grower. Supergirl is a dark green bushy plant that won’t get to tall. She produces hard and heavy buds that glisten with T.H.C. Supergirl offers a deep skunk flavour accompanied by a strong body buzz.) so lets see if i can get them here this time. also under a different name this time


Active Member
hey guys can ya please tell me how i tell if my plant is female or a hermaphrodite? it has hairs but they grew from a pod that broke open. the pod now looks like a tiny leaf on either side. and i apologise for saying a plant cant be harvesed before 9 months coz no shit my plant seems to be flowering and its 3 months old. this is my first grow so im afraid iv done something wrong to make it flower early? when the hairs are bigger ill take some more photos but now hey are about not even a half a centrmetre? now im askin the question is it normal to flower this young?


Active Member
if its a hermie the flowers will be very fluffy, and have little balls with no hairs/pistols that develop into little star looking flowers, as well as normal female bits with the hairs.
if its female it will be a lot more solid. buds that are half a cm maybe to small to tell if hermie or female, but unless it was some pretty shit bud it came from it should be right.
i dunno why its flowering already, i had one start to flower in september (when it was 8weels old) then went back to veg for no apparent reason.
some strains have autoflowering geneitcs bred into them so they can flower once they get to a certain height/age.


Active Member
yeah i thought it was strange too coz its only 3 months. if it stays flowering then does that mean its total growing time is cut short? it has like 2 white hairs shootong out of where the veg starts to grow. i cant see any "balls".


Well-Known Member
Hey all, Aussie grower from WA
indoors only, and no way i would be buying seeds internationally from the internet, would be dead scared to get busted.
ps does anyone know what the laws are in WA regarding pot ??


Active Member
hey im from nz, im ummm 15 haha shhhh i grew last year with prety shit results only got a couple oz of 1 little plant this year im tryin a bit harder and with the help of my brother and dad (a veteran grower) lol we shud get sum nice big buds this time. iv got a cuple of pics that i took yesterday they must b nearly 2 months old now. wat u reckon??



Active Member
Hey man, that's lookin nice, i was only 15 when i started growing too, 16 now. What strain is it? And also you will probably need bigger pots soon.


Active Member
hey man im prety sure the strain is kaitia fire... wel thats wat the guy who i got the seeds off said but im not exactly sure and i duno if im gona move them into biger pots might just leave them in those pots nd let them flower early but iv got a good spot i cud put them in but its a cuple hundred metres away so id probly damage them if i did move them.

oh and iv got a cuple more pics of the bigger crop...
look on pic 45 looks like the new growth on the leves is going purple. pic 47 is showing nice indica looking leaves, and 48 nice sativa leaves.



Active Member
wow thats pretty impressive. i didnt even no wat weed was wen i was 15. im growing 3 plants for the first time and im 19. lol. i feel like a baby at growing =)


Active Member
Hey all long time reader first time poster, from Perth, got my 2 babies going along nicely now, been in the pots about a month and a half, just starting to take off with the summertime sunshine. The one in the orange pot is from a seed i found in an oz of indoor kuta and the other one is from a seed i found in an oz from some margaret river bushies last season. I use a fertilizer called Seasol which you can buy from bunnings, highly recommend it for veg stage - basically fish guts and seaweed and shit - high in nitrogen and organic, once budding starts i just go to the hydro shop n get something high in P n K. I'll post pics every couple of weeks to show progress.

Just to let ppl know, i ordered some seeds from a seedbank in holland about a year ago and ended up getting a phone call from the federal police saying they found them and i shouldnt do it prosecution or anything, the lady was actually pretty cool about it cos it was only 20 seeds, but yeh at the same time my mate has gotten seeds in no problems so yeh i guess it just depends on the seedbank and the postage methods they use.



Active Member
Hey all, Aussie grower from WA
indoors only, and no way i would be buying seeds internationally from the internet, would be dead scared to get busted.
ps does anyone know what the laws are in WA regarding pot ??
With current laws we are allowed up to 28grams or 2 OUTDOOR plants before the cops class it as intent to sell or distribute, anything else and u go through the courts. If you get busted with under and oz (and its not bagged up in sticks ready to sell!!!) or 2 OUTDOOR plants then you just get a 100$ fine (personal use) or you can go to a drug rehabilitation/information session and wave the fine. BUT the new liberal party government said during the last election that they want to overturn this law and reduce it to 16grams or thereabouts for personal use and no plants!!!....but these laws take fucken ages to get passed through parliament so we are ok for now..... but yeh if u get busted with a couple of indoors u wont do any time for a first offence, but if u got a whole hydro house then yeh your fucked and will get a record.....


Active Member
i live in vic... For use, possession and cultivation of a small quantity of cannabis (less than 50 grams) u usually get a penalty of a good behaviour bond for a first offence or if your lucky an official warning. A person charged with the more serious offences that involve trafficking or cultivation loses their right to bail which means your locked up in remandFor serious offences, such as trafficking, the penalties can involve:
Fines worth $1000's of dollars
Correction orders (signing to police stations)
Drug treatment orders
Treatment orders (rehab)
Jail time
my mate got done for a pound and got put in jail for 6 months but he had some other charges aswell. i no that for the first time you get caught you usually dont go to jail but i no that if you keep getting caught with little amounts over and over they will lock you up............... mmmmmm makes me on edge coz id die before i went to jail


Well-Known Member
With current laws we are allowed up to 28grams or 2 OUTDOOR plants before the cops class it as intent to sell or distribute, anything else and u go through the courts. If you get busted with under and oz (and its not bagged up in sticks ready to sell!!!) or 2 OUTDOOR plants then you just get a 100$ fine (personal use) or you can go to a drug rehabilitation/information session and wave the fine. BUT the new liberal party government said during the last election that they want to overturn this law and reduce it to 16grams or thereabouts for personal use and no plants!!!....but these laws take fucken ages to get passed through parliament so we are ok for now..... but yeh if u get busted with a couple of indoors u wont do any time for a first offence, but if u got a whole hydro house then yeh your fucked and will get a record.....
it would be nice to be able to buy the strain you wanted without fear ... right now i just get given seeds that people find for me, no idea what they are
my favorite that i keep cloning is a sativa strain that takes 13 weeks to finish flowering, would love to get a sativa strong that finished in 8 or so :)

aus2 canibasiva

Well-Known Member
butifull baby man keep up the good work peace looks like mine about 2 yrs ago until sum theivin theife took it lol ohh well easy come easy go.

aus2 canibasiva

Well-Known Member
hi just wanted to no if there are any sa growers out there because my plant is growing really slow i think it could be the weather. btw im an experianced grower. the weather or the genetics are the only variables/options i can put it down to please help :(