Aussie Outdoor 08/09


New Member
just a quick word about bending & tying down plants - be carefull not to fuck them. I know of 'someone' who bent their 1.5foot high plant down and did it too much and the main stem split right down the centre. A week later when 'someone' checked on it, they found the plant starting to die and all the leaves turned from deep green to a pale yellow. Fuck that plant is gone. no point keeping it around. she got pulled and sent into the sin bin. bugger. The fastest strongest plant too.

If ur unsure about things like this, dont do it. Experimenting is ok, but make sure its not your only plant or plants.


Active Member
O4aUsErNaMe how often should i water my plant?

it's getting watered about 3 times a week atm. 2 x under sprinklers, 1 ltr a week with 5 ml of seasol/powerfeed @ start of week. is this too much watering?

sorry if this doesnt make sense. A tad ripped atm :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
O4aUsErNaMe how often should i water my plant?

it's getting watered about 3 times a week atm. 2 x under sprinklers, 1 ltr a week with 5 ml of seasol/powerfeed @ start of week. is this too much watering?

sorry if this doesnt make sense. A tad ripped atm :mrgreen:

sounds fine as long as the ground is getting a bit dry between each watering


Active Member
Hey guys, first timer here. I was thinking of getting some seeds and growing a single plant potted outside, but is it too late, have I missed the season? When is the soonest I could start? Thanks guys.