Aussie Outdoor 08/09


Well-Known Member
There is going to be some happy aussie outdoor growers soon...... Or should i say stoned !


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, im from sydney and im on my first grow at the moment, Its indoor and I havent put them into flower yet(400hps). Can't wait for the outdoor season though. I got a question, I wanna veg my plants indoors for about a month and then put them outside around september/october. How many hours of daylight should I give them indoors so they don't get stressed when I move them out?
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
just match it close to the hours your going to be putting them out into.. that way its only gonna be getting more light and keep vegging


Well-Known Member
well they came and got me or four seedlings..

just hide it and with some luck they wont spot it... but yes they would is my bet.. they have to get a certain amount of people over certain amounts of time and if they arent making theyre quota my bet is theyd bust your ass.

but to be honest
ats an if your auntie had ballls shed be your uncle sitcho.
ya know or how big of a prick is a prick really - no one can tell


Active Member
think about how much a helicopter costs to run for an hour. plus depreciation, wear and tear, and pilot's salary, and some guy with binoculars, scanning an entire city. i'm pretty sure even australian police aren't stupid enough to commission something like that to bust guys with a few ounces on a plant in his backyard. seriously.


Active Member
in the US, maybe though. they have that whole grass roots stop drugs from the ground up and waste as much taxpayer's money as possible thing going on. watch cops.


Well-Known Member
I live near a massive resourve and alot of ppl grow here.... and im not talking about 10 - 20 plants im talking hundreds... so when my plot is near this area as its the only area safe enough to grow in.. a fly over makes me very nervous

i only have a few this year but next year if things go to plan ;)


Active Member
think about how much a helicopter costs to run for an hour. plus depreciation, wear and tear, and pilot's salary, and some guy with binoculars, scanning an entire city. i'm pretty sure even australian police aren't stupid enough to commission something like that to bust guys with a few ounces on a plant in his backyard. seriously.

yeah man...
that's my view too.

keeps me sleeping sound at night:sleep:;-)


Well-Known Member
At the moment I've got two females inside and due to family problems I have to move them somewhere in 2 weeks(theyre still in veg). I was wondering if everything would be ok if I just put them outside. Would they flower normally and everything or have I missed the flowering period.